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Frequent_Blackberry6 t1_jcjtxtz wrote

They are extreme left l, Fox News is extreme Right


sutisuc t1_jck3neg wrote

Why do you think they’re extreme left?


Frequent_Blackberry6 t1_jcltert wrote

This is only if you need a credible source but if you watch CNN you’ll see that they are less about investigative journalism and more about instilling left wing views and being anti-Republican at times when it is not warranted


sutisuc t1_jcluifl wrote

Washington times is a right wing rag dude. You need to stop consuming such obviously biased media.


Frequent_Blackberry6 t1_jclutsl wrote

You can go look at Wikipedia, Wall Street Journal if you’d like. Liberal Media never bashes liberal media either


sutisuc t1_jcluzaq wrote

What does Liberia have to do with it?


Frequent_Blackberry6 t1_jcm2e6o wrote

‘Liberal’. I support Informative Media.

Billionaires control the Media:

MSNBC was Bill Gates and Jack Welch of GE coming together. Gates has Bezos has Washington Post, Zuckerberg has Social Media, Elon Musk got Twitter, can’t forget about Rupert Murdoch and Bloomberg,Ted Turner’s got CNN, Dolan has a whole cable company

Reddit is not looking bad right now, irrespective of Alexis Ohanian being the billionaire owner


sutisuc t1_jcm4e2e wrote

So you think that we should curtail the rights of billionaires?