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ANewNewerJersey OP t1_itgdkrh wrote

It actually might be that. It is coming from that direction. It is very vet odd. Maybe I'll go explore next weekend.


justdan76 t1_itgh0x0 wrote

Sometimes it’s all day. And yeah the person yelling and “singing” into the pa is tone deaf. No idea who actually attends, it might be one of those things where there’s free food if you’ll listen to some preaching and bad music.

Edit: there’s also the Haitian(?) church on Union St. Once a month or so a bunch of buses would show up and they’d have a big service. Otherwise it was closed most of the time. Way better musicians, and not early in the morning. The Galician church would ring some decent tunes on their bells sometimes. Everyone has a sound to make in that neighborhood, it was interesting.