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sutisuc t1_iw4ia4q wrote

LOL I avoid Chinese restaurants in Newark like it’s my job so I can’t offer any insight on that one fortunately


CaptainTurdfinger t1_iw4l6jv wrote

Yeah, understandable. I definitely ate a lot of that cheap, shady Chinese food in my younger party years.

BTW, Chinatown in Harrison is your best bet for good Chinese food. Their sushi is great too, if not a little pricey.


sutisuc t1_iw4pmqq wrote

I used to like them but they went way downhill if you haven’t been there lately


CaptainTurdfinger t1_iw4q3zc wrote

Yeah, it's been many years. That sucks to hear, they were the only good Chinese food within delivery range. I wonder if they changed owners or something.