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DaveFoxPayne t1_jac8cje wrote

If you are an American, that's a cringe line...

If you are an European, that's a hypocritical line...


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jac8qgi wrote

I'm Rossian, and learn the History of WW2 in China well, especially about Unit 731 and Nankin massacre by Japanese. Even SS insane butchers Germans was relatively less cruel and heartless! It was absolutely Asian horror!


DaveFoxPayne t1_jac9txf wrote

And how is related US to this?


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jaca0mt wrote

Ask about it in Nankin or in Harbin (unit 731), buddy.


DaveFoxPayne t1_jacho8k wrote

Did you , buddy, "learn well" about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Did you, buddy, "learn well" about how Japan was demilitarised. Did you boddy, "learn well" about how americans treat Japanese during the war (and it's not passing of americans)...

I know in Rossia it is popular to jerk off "learned well" WWII history with charging everybody's warcrimes, but USSR, and crying how "you can do it again". This war is about century over but nobody is about forgetting it's horror. By continuing "rEmEmBeR eVeRyBoDy'S wArCrImEs" and "kNoWiNg WhO wAsN'T cRuEl eNoUgH tO nAzI" you don't help everybody. You don't let the ghost of this terror rest in peace.

If a man has a huge scare on his face, you are not talking loudly how he got it, that is more when everybody know hoe it was.

PS: do you really need to cry loudly about WWII's horrors just to shit on US?


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jackaco wrote

About the senseless, American, nuclear bombing of civilians in Japan? I know about it, and it was another insane American war crime, just like the Korean and Vietnamese massacres in the future.

But the nuclear bombing of Japanese cities does not remove the war crimes of Japan and their bloody monarch. His hands are up to the elbows in the blood of the Chinese and Koreans, it was a disgusting act to invite him! Btw, Japan and the ruling regime there have not yet apologized to either the Chinese or the Koreans for the atrocities committed.


FullMetalT-Shirt t1_jac9tg0 wrote

Leave Ukraine.


Avbjj t1_jacbudh wrote

That's an absolute shit thing to say to someone who literally has no control over what a dictator of their country does.


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacapv4 wrote

If it were up to me, this war would not have started.

All wars in modern history are started by capitalists, either in pursuit of new profits or in order to protect existing profits.

To stop wars for real, you need to stop capitalism.


Avbjj t1_jaccjxj wrote

You're forgetting the Soviet Union against Hungary, the Czech's, and Afghanistan.

But that's besides the point. All wars are started by capitalists in the same way that are wars are started by human beings.

People have been waging war for the entirety of human history. It has nothing to do with capitalism.


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacd0ms wrote

The same as you forgetting about Korea, Vietnam, Granada, Haiti, Panama channel, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libia, Syria and etc.

Americans have no any rights to speak about aggressions.


Avbjj t1_jachmvn wrote

I usually hate saying stuff like this, because it's cringey, but i think it's appropriate right now. As an American, I actually do have the right to speak about whatever I want.

I didn't say the US hasn't started wars of aggression. Of course they have. I'm refuting you saying "All modern wars were started by capitalists."


A statement that's categorically false


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacks9p wrote

STFU about this topic. You have no any moral right on it. It's the same as Nazi German will lecture me of humanity. No, STFU!


Avbjj t1_jacn35o wrote

You brought it up. If you don’t like facts, then keep your head in the same.


DeadHuron t1_jace4bm wrote

Interesting, though Hitler wasn’t the only factor of WWII beginnings, I’ve never heard him described as a capitalist. Lots of other things but not a capitalist. I’m pretty sure Poland, Denmark, France and others didn’t invite his “capitalism” into their countries. Let’s not even go near his ethnic cleansing agenda. No, this does not wreak of capitalism. Being absolute and without exception, determining “all” about anything isn’t an accurate stance to take.


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacekw5 wrote

Learn more dude, especially about role of Krupp and IG Farben in Hitler's political success.

Poland was the same fascist state, Sanation regime it's typical government, capitalist terrorists (fascists).


BennoDXB t1_jacbwdm wrote

I dont know what a Rossian is but it sounds very similar to the latest perpetrators of massive war crimes the Russians. They are in good company with the assholes you mentioned.


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacc90k wrote

Are you know? Did you think it's knowledge? From Nazi Azov battalion?

If you accept war criminal Hirohito, then of course you accept Ukrainian Nazi's "knowledge".

Think about it, if you can.


BennoDXB t1_jacei2t wrote

Ah the "ukrainian nazis", ok , so you are a terrible Rossian just like your evil dictator. Guy, you need to stop judging the past and start focusing on the evil you are doing. We cant undo the past, we can only learn from it but the only thing you guys learned apparently is how to kill women and children.