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pyuunpls t1_ja7zrvj wrote

How come people who are like 18-25 in past time periods look old AF?


fluffy_doughnut t1_ja8fvr5 wrote

We associate their fashion, hairstyles and makeup with old people. If you dressed them in modern clothes and gave more modern hairstyles, they would look just like us.


LimeMime565 t1_ja88j1q wrote

Stress, malnutrition, lack of knowledge on things like skincare or aging. Lack of medical technology


redbradbury t1_ja80t8h wrote



francoruinedbukowski t1_ja97aa2 wrote

Way less processed foods especially with sugar and flower then, meat was fresh from the butcher or butcher deparment at the A&P style grocery stores of the time, according to the census in 1940 18% more Americans grew their own vegetables and raised their own chickens etc...number went up considerably in early 40's when rationing started and millions grew their own WW2 Victory Gardens.