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notbob1959 t1_ja8qtvl wrote

Here is the original black and white photo which is dated 1927.

Edit: Fun fact; the image was used on one of the loose inserts that came with the 2020 bootleg release of Pink Floyd - Sit Down for the Animals.


copyrighther t1_ja8sn4n wrote

This sub struggles with dating photos


bristolcities t1_ja99w69 wrote

And with colouring old black and white photos. Mostly done badly.


Killerkendolls t1_ja9gi13 wrote

For real though. Those men's suits on the right are so oversaturated it's lost all definition.


camwow13 t1_ja9s4ft wrote

And finding high quality photos. Needs to be a postage stamp saved at 50 quality JPG saved 3 times over before it qualifies to be shared.


Musk-Order66 t1_jaade12 wrote

Pretty soon this will be a colorized version of an 1890s pic


leositruc t1_ja9cwoz wrote

The bride looks 20 years younger without the photo enhancement.


Ophelia_Y2K t1_ja9iozh wrote

somehow they all look like they don’t have teeth


SallyAmazeballs t1_ja9gpfe wrote

The clothes and hair on the women are a lot closer to 1940 than they are 1927. 1927 is still bobbed hair and dropped waist dresses. The woman in the "blue" dress to the left has sleeves that are more typical for the end of the 1930s, and all the women's hair has the height and shape for that period too.


annieasylum t1_jaaz5x3 wrote

Yeah there is no way this is 1927. I wear and make a lot of reproduction vintage from between 1940-1960 so I'm fairly good at aging photos based on clothing. This is definitely 1940s attire and hair.


SallyAmazeballs t1_jab0oem wrote

I would put it early '40s rather than late '40s, but it's definitely not 1927. Nothing is really quite tailored enough to hit those postwar silhouettes.