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T-unitz t1_ja3mbzc wrote

My mans didn’t miss leg day.


bestboykev t1_ja3nu3l wrote

Hoochie daddy season will always be eternal.


HawkeyeTen t1_ja4f45h wrote

I've never understood how he managed to actually do stunts like this. Was there some fake lock he used that would come open when needed?


ArtSchnurple t1_ja4iv27 wrote

It's so weird to me that in 2023 people would rather look at these pastel monstrosities than befoul their eyes with (gasp!) a black and white photograph.


danidisaster t1_ja5fq6n wrote

This gets reposted too much with the leg day jokes


Deanho t1_ja5ig16 wrote

He apparently had lock picks hidden on him within reach and he knew how to use them very quickly. I saw a picture awhile back of one the locks he used to use. The front opened up with all sorts of keys and tools inside it. Could just be bullshit theories though.