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creativeDepth90 t1_jdcdnla wrote

It seems so un-Bruce Campbell to have children, this is throwing my life into disarray


BurnerOnlyForPorn t1_jdd5sc4 wrote

I always assumed he had either zero kids or ten thousand kids, no in-between


Higira t1_jdd9nhe wrote

Didn't his son release a game last year? Did quick google. Yes it's called evil dead: the game. You can see yt vids of him and his son playing it lol


skellige-viking t1_jddh8gj wrote

His son made that game?! That’s awesome !!


brwnx t1_jddppir wrote

But he looks so small!


Sproose_Moose t1_jde3fw7 wrote

I had to look at his wiki and found this "Campbell is also ordained and has performed marriage ceremonies."

I now need to find someone to marry and get married by Bruce Campbell as Elvis. Bubba Ho-tep 2.


MathMaddox t1_jddohpc wrote

His kids must be 1068 years old at this point.


knowledgebass t1_jddyvvz wrote

From looking at the picture, I'm older than his kids and I'm just in my 40's. 😆


anticomet t1_jde04nk wrote

Dude this is a picture from 1300 AD. That's like at least seventy years ago


squishpitcher t1_jded0fw wrote

Idk, he always struck me as a super wholesome person irl. Obviously, I have no idea if that’s true, but that was the vibe I got. Him having kids seems totally on brand in that case.


Celefalas t1_jdej1ab wrote

Haha in the late 90s my friend group watched these films on Halloween for a few years and one year the biggest BC fan wrote to him and invited him to the party - he wrote back and politely declined :)


askyourmom469 t1_jdes111 wrote

For sure. He can be snarky sometimes, but it always comes across as tongue in cheek whenever he is. He seems like a dude who's genuinely proud of the legacy he's made for himself and is grateful to the fans that made that legacy possible.


SookHe t1_jdeonm0 wrote

How can the ladies resist such famous lines like 'Give me some sugar, baby' or 'Hail to the king, baby'
