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t1_jefpi7b wrote

Can we agree to stop posting this focking photo?! 🙄


OP t1_jefsk53 wrote

Ok post police. Sorry i don’t keep catalog of what is posted on every subReddit. When was it posted last?


t1_jefu346 wrote

Post police?! Is that supposed to insult me? With a name like Jeff Shit you should maybe come out from the rock you live under and stop posting the same j’pooh as everyone else.


OP t1_jefy3em wrote

Man. Cheer up. It’s a Friday. What’s the matter man? Does me posting this AGAIN take you away from all the other posts in Reddit?

You need a hug. Hope your day gets better.


t1_jefyo7u wrote

Awe so sweet of you to want to cheer up the post police 🙄