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Edge_of_the_Wall t1_jbs3x38 wrote

Stunning photograph.


isecore t1_jbssb4a wrote

I was just thinking that. Yes, the colorizing is quite good but I also wonder if the photo has been restored in some other way as well.


soldier_18 t1_jbttuca wrote

Yes, and I always think about what are they thinking at the time of those pictures since they probably don’t know they are being photographed.

And most of times I think: maybe he is thinking on something important or maybe he is just thinking on how much time left for dinner.


more_beans_mrtaggart t1_jbsklyh wrote

If you’re ever in the UK, get out of London and go see Osborne house. Home of Queen Victoria. It’s a beautiful place and has some lovely walks. The rooms are mostly restored or untouched, and there are thousands of photographs.

You can see pics of Wilhelm and the other kids (later kings of various European countries) and he’s the one stood off not playing with the others.

Described by the maids as sulky, jealous, and occasionally spiteful.


jemcraver t1_jbvdjr2 wrote

I just finished a book about all of Queen Victoria's daughters. And it speaks a quite a bit about his attitude.


al_fletcher t1_jbsdm3z wrote

He was just a year away from pulling off what kids today call a “pro gamer move”


die5el23 t1_jbtl44w wrote

I thought this was the guy that screams in movies


RepostSleuthBot t1_jbs0vec wrote

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Luke_zuke t1_jbsns9u wrote

What an asshole.


Cacachuli t1_jbt3k48 wrote

Seriously. Started a world war because he thought it was Germany’s turn to have an empire.


Srlojohn t1_jbt9xz7 wrote

Except he didn’t start it. A serbian terrorist group started it and Germany was obligated to join and France was obligated to ally against them. Britian got involved when Germany swung through Belgium to get to France.


Cacachuli t1_jbted62 wrote

There were many ways what started as a regional conflict could have been deescalated. Wilhelm was the primary reason it wasn’t.


Enki_realenki t1_jbz87op wrote

Historians say, that if he wouldn't have started it, the Brits or Russians would probably have started it a few years later. Waging wars to gain something was common practice among nations back then.


Cacachuli t1_jbz8wru wrote

Not really. The British focused on their colonies and only involved themselves in continental affairs when they had to. The Russians had plenty of challenges at home. The Bolsheviks took over in just a few years.

The Germans, on the other hand, had recently unified and had just gone to war and annexed large bits of France and Denmark and Poland. Germany was expansionist at the time. The other major powers were not.


Enki_realenki t1_jbzaq21 wrote

They were certainly not to back down. Germany ensured Austria their support against Serbia and Russia. Russia ensured support to Serbia and France ensured their support to Russia.

I think it is not that easy to blame just one side. All Nations were not exactly keen on sending out peace diplomats.


Luke_zuke t1_jbtnr46 wrote

Yeah, sorry for my bad history. A Serbian terrorist group mobilized millions of Europeans to be slaughtered by machine guns and artillery.


Srlojohn t1_jbtvcji wrote

He started a war that triggered a web of alliances that had been in place since the 1800s.


VonMetz t1_jbus8x7 wrote

Tell me you know shit about history without telling me you know shit about history


Enschede2 t1_jbs82kk wrote

He's wearing the fancy hat


AaronicNation t1_jbszm3k wrote

If he took off the costume but kept the cigarette, I could kind of imagine him playing keno at the local dive bar.


MaximumSink t1_jbtctzq wrote

I vaited for you every Christmas und you never showed up.

Arty Johnston


PBandBABE t1_jbsbr2d wrote

He’s supervising the roll factory that came online in early 1912.

Made up fact: that factory would go on supply 40% of the troops that fought in WWI.

This was the bread that was broken during the Christmas Truce.


Bodark43 t1_jbt3bgk wrote

Conscious of his withered left arm, he often posed with that hand resting on a sword.


MarkEgatts t1_jbs5vti wrote

That's one hell of a head butt


Commie_EntSniper t1_jbtj1t6 wrote

Homie was born in 1859, making him just 54 in this picture.


T1S9A2R6 t1_jbu0rtm wrote

I can hear his accent just looking at this picture.


Skoden1973 t1_jbuodrt wrote

That is a bad ass helmet.


fronkenstoon t1_jbvs3cq wrote

That’s the man that stole our word “twenty!” I chased him to get it back, but gave up after dickity-six miles.


Bajecco t1_jbuqcgb wrote

Look at that guy pounding lung darts in his silly little hat and cape. Tremendous


castiglione_99 t1_jbugqay wrote


This is the guy who literally walked into war games that his generals were doing to pre-plan out WWI, dressed in full dress uniform, demanding that get to play Germany, and that Germany win.


MiekesDad t1_jbt77cq wrote

Elites...what can you do but hope they and their cousins don't kill all the regular citizens around them...


olddoglearnsnewtrick t1_jbteana wrote

Is the helmet designed by Elon Musk’s grandpa? That would explain things.
