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colbat45 t1_jdkvazx wrote

I really wish he wasn’t such a CCP shill. I admired him so much in my youth


Just_a_follower t1_jdmmv5n wrote

Came to say the same thing. Really disappointing how he defends the government without condition, denying the humanity of the abused.


zakass409 t1_jdmt9y0 wrote

I was dumbfounded when I read this, so I had to Google it. I'm ehh, well eww. This is very disappointing


Llanite t1_jdof0mj wrote

Like most redditors


DL14Nibba t1_jdoph4g wrote

Most redditors are “hurr durr China bad”, but then when asked what they would do they say most of the most they supposedly are against


KnightsOfREM t1_jdp0zl4 wrote

>but then when asked what they would do they say most of the most they supposedly are against

Sorry, but what the fuck does this even mean?


Llanite t1_jdopy2b wrote

Everything is automatically right if you include the word Nordic or Europe.

Everything is automatically wrong if China, republican or fossil shows up somewhere in the paragraph. Duh, who has time to read.


DL14Nibba t1_jdoqa35 wrote

Especially republican, because most of Reddit is from the USA and “liberal” (that’s what most of them call themselves anyway).


Llanite t1_jdrve7f wrote

Which is pretty funny because liberalism in its birthplace is a right wing movement.