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IBelieveVeryLittle t1_jdx9o9o wrote

I honestly had no idea this happened. Imagine martial arts Predator doing leg splits while going after Arnold.


albatross1873 t1_jdxbj8z wrote

That was why he was canned. He couldn’t imagine not being the central part of the film.


Biaminh t1_jdyqqu1 wrote

I mean the name of the movie is 'PREDATOR', not 'Dutch'..


Eikfo t1_jdzxvbb wrote

> Van Damme

Belgian, not Dutch


Biaminh t1_jdzzuty wrote

Schwarzenegger's character is named Dutch.


Eikfo t1_je02r8p wrote

Schwarzi? I'm pretty sure he's Austrian not Dutch. (Thanks for the clarification though).


yesmrbevilaqua t1_je09l5r wrote

It’s like the Pennsylvania Dutch, it’s the anglicized transliteration of the German word for for German “Deutsch” it was a name used to refer to German immigrants by Americans


bluejegus t1_je0i1td wrote

It wasn't the splits that made his cut of the movie weird.

It was the fact they had to make the predator from French Canada to explain his accent.