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FrenchFriesAndGuac t1_iti3tro wrote

I assumed as much. He seems like a reasonable, level-headed dude and his wife is probably of similar reasonableness. They probably argue every now and then about not putting down the toilet seat and things get a little heated. But, they talk it out and promise each other they’ll do better and then go to bed and read for an hour before kissing each other goodnight.


Ok-disaster2022 t1_iti4ygg wrote

Best compromise for the toilet seat: everyone puts down the lid


Im-a-cat-in-a-box t1_itipiwp wrote

Honestly it's just to damn easy to put the lid down, it's not worth the inevitable fight.


LukesRightHandMan t1_itkf2h3 wrote

It's bullshit. It's so much easier and more hygienic to put a seat down, so the default should be to keep it up.


SupremeDictatorPaul t1_itirooq wrote

I told my wife I’d happily put down the lid if she did. Apparently putting down the lid is too much work, so I don’t have to.


makesyoudownvote t1_itlrmwg wrote

It's much easier to put the seat down if you are in a rush to go than to pick up the lid or the seat.

Bending over can pinch your bladder when you have to pee really badly. This is painful, not to mention the complicated action of grabbing only the lid or both the seat and lid as needed. Then lifting them all the way up on a curve to they stay up.

A flick of the wrist on the other hand can put the seat or lid down when needed. Gravity will let the seat fall down quickly. No real effort is needed whatsoever.

Also it is of vital importance no one gets used to sitting on a toilet without looking first. I know someone who once got bitten by a snake that was in their toilet because she didn't look first. Many people have sat in urine or even poo because they don't look before they sit. If you fall into a toilet because you were not looking that is YOUR fault. You were not looking and the outcome could have been far worse than just getting kinda stuck.

For this reason I think the whole argument about leaving the seat up is profoundly self centered of women and wrong. All three positions have benefits.

  1. All up is the easiest and quickest position to transform into the other positions and allow for a quick and comprehensive visual inspection before sitting.

  2. Seat down is what is needed 60-75% of the time, which makes it a decent default too.

  3. Lid down is the worst in that it makes visual inspection worse, it tends to lead to the bowl getting dirty faster, and it takes additional time both before and after use, but especially before. However it is the most equitable and the most sanitary during a flush.


deepaksn t1_itixs92 wrote

My wife and I agreed that we were both adults and capable of moving it to the correct position.

It was only technology in the bathroom and being a germaphobe that means I’m the one who tends to close it.


RikerT_USS_Lolipop t1_ititnib wrote

The best solution is clearly "only move the seat when you need it moved". This will minimize the movements for everyone.


DataSquid2 t1_itjtxh5 wrote

When you flush with the toilet seat open how much shit and piss particles do you think you are throwing around in the bathroom?

Close then flush is the best solution.

If it's a multi-flush shit, close before the final flush.


HearseWithNoName t1_itlb7o9 wrote

This is my logic as well, but funnily enough my husband has asked that we always put the seat down after we're done. shrugs