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Kennedy_Cooz t1_ir0hkb1 wrote

She flashed him her jugs right after that this picture was taken, I remember watching it


RebeccaC78 t1_ir0jq2s wrote

I liked her wild child phase. I like all of her phases.


zealousreader t1_ir1pg46 wrote

I remember like a month later, Courtney love did the same thing. It didn't go over as well


USMNT_superfan t1_ir1y97q wrote

Pretty sure Dave burried more after the show.


Cvx7D t1_ir29i03 wrote

i’ve never been able to put a finger on why but i have never liked her at all


Lon72 t1_ir2pzv5 wrote

Troubled childhood


NAGDABBITALL t1_ir2y73h wrote

Have to admit she's done well, considering all the challenges.


Nice_Rope_5049 t1_ir38ah0 wrote

She was so cute here. Was she celebrating the success of the Wedding Singer? This girl has swam through a tunnel of shit in her life and deserves to come out the other side smelling like a rose! Dance, Drew! Flash those boobs!


PFChangsFryer t1_ir3ditv wrote

I remember seeing this premier as a 13 year old…


Nelnamara t1_ir3krh5 wrote

They freeze framed his face when she did it and his were poppin. He was speechless for a moment.


nuggetsvolume11 t1_ir3n1b8 wrote

Didn't she also do a full Playboy around this time? Sandra Bernhardt, another Dave regular, also did Playboy around that time. So yeah, for the 90's...the was the usual for a celeb. Was in the news for a bit, though!


bizzaro321 t1_ir3ogf0 wrote

“And now for our next segment, I’m going to read the inverse statement of every newsworthy conspiracy theory, and the audience will clap along”

Late night TV tried to find balance between edgy and corporate, but they stopped trying to find that balance about a decade ago.


Ggusta t1_iu6w86y wrote

I remember watching this when it happened. It was outrageously funny and fun. Letterman went on to turn into a raging db.