Submitted by voodoo1985 t3_z27qp0 in OldSchoolCool
dat3percent t1_ixezaay wrote
She looks cool asf. Lol 😂
diegothengineer t1_ixezu09 wrote
Your mom had some serious class and style in the 90's! Bet she still does too.
EphraimJenkins t1_ixf0sz2 wrote
She looks like a sassy civil rights lawyer.
gothrules4 t1_ixf13ao wrote
action_lawyer_comics t1_ixf1v0z wrote
She looks like the reporter who shows up 15 minutes before the Men in Black and gives you a head start to keep your memories from getting erased
EddieAllenPoe t1_ixf26ob wrote
Workin' those shoulder pads
Snoo-9819 t1_ixf3kui wrote
Came here for this.
sublimelbz t1_ixf3y3g wrote
carmen sandiego
mcboogerballs1980 t1_ixf4ajx wrote
I don't buy it. Looks like maybe she's in her early 30's here.
ihatetheheadlines t1_ixf4nif wrote
she looks like the protagonist on a tv show about a really cool & witty detective
diet_shasta_orange t1_ixf4pfp wrote
Some Willi Smith style
jamirocky888 t1_ixf5bkn wrote
I always thought it was “Where in the world is Carmen? San Diego
TopangaTiki t1_ixf8k2k wrote
She looks full of style and class and like she doesn’t take crap from anyone. Also a spirit of adventure and probably a world traveler, linguist, probably also a university professor and botanist on the side. The walking epitome of cool.
ptangney t1_ixf8ky0 wrote
First thought that came into my mind, first game I played on pc back in 98 😁
MightyFrex t1_ixf94fc wrote
Fly as hell.
TractorBee t1_ixf9vly wrote
She reminds me of a background character in a John Hughes movie, like Home Alone.
BeastSmitty t1_ixfa1ij wrote
Very classy…
Ok-Employer-6315 t1_ixfant1 wrote
Gorgeous lady. She must be about my age now. Is she single?
doa70 t1_ixfay4e wrote
Pfft, we used to go to the library in ‘85 and play on their Apple II. 😉
ChristyG891 t1_ixfbnoi wrote
ChristyG891 t1_ixfbocs wrote
So stylish
Mediocremon t1_ixfc0fe wrote
What's she doing in a whale's vagina?
patio_puss t1_ixfdanp wrote
It girl👏👏
TelescopiumHerscheli t1_ixfdpvu wrote
Beautifully turned out.
FakeNewsOftheGalaxy t1_ixfi5ei wrote
You stay classy Carmen San Diego!
choochooape t1_ixfj08n wrote
Am I about to be arrested by some kind of Canadian detective?
cucumberholster t1_ixfj4et wrote
This is a lovely photo. something about her smile makes her seem quirky and sassy. Great style.
immersemeinnature t1_ixfjrbf wrote
Cool and cozy. Great combo
susieallen t1_ixfjrii wrote
Looks like a scene from a movie. Your mom is pure glamor. Gorgeous.
butterflywithbullets t1_ixfk0ic wrote
Where in time, where in the US... many versions
dat3percent t1_ixfkbyt wrote
She Looks good. I bet she a little minx. lol
dangerouspingu t1_ixfn4co wrote
Oh my gosh! My mom has those exact same glasses! Popular style I guess haha
Vesper2000 t1_ixfnbat wrote
I tried to do the wool-shawl-over-trench-coat look back then, I’d just started my first professional job. I definitely did not pull it off as well as your mom here.
toxicity187 t1_ixfnkrt wrote
She looks pretty good for her 90s
i-touched-morrissey t1_ixfo0g5 wrote
Oh, the early 90s. Giant glasses. I had them, too.
back2basics13 t1_ixfpg7g wrote
Is that Carmen Santiago?
m__a__s t1_ixfqtw3 wrote
She looks like she is on the trail of Carmen Sandiego.
DigMeTX t1_ixfr0oh wrote
This is her sister Cameron.
FuzzyTunaTaco21 t1_ixfr29p wrote
Clare Huckstable?
BlueHero45 t1_ixfrsn1 wrote
She looks like she stepped out of a novel.
intecknicolour t1_ixft103 wrote
everyone's mom/dad/grandparents had that ugly brown trenchcoat in the 70s-90s
stevenriley1 t1_ixftffd wrote
Wow. That is an impressive person.
ur2ndcousin t1_ixftpti wrote
Damn, that shawl screaming Angela from Who’s The Boss meets female Frasier.
I miss the 90s superhero shoulder pads.
luminous_beings t1_ixftqrv wrote
As someone who lived through the 90s I protest the classification “old school”. However, your mom is “all that and a bag of chips” as we used to say. She will smile when you say that to her, I promise. Seriously though, she’s got a fantastic look. I bet she’s still stylish af
blueheartsadness t1_ixftvij wrote
She looks like she is incredibly intelligent and takes no B.S.
counttrakula t1_ixfvadl wrote
Rikki Moranis!?
le_fart t1_ixfvngf wrote
And surprisingly young looking for being in her early 90's
Fondren_Richmond t1_ixfvy8q wrote
I guess I'll ask the concierge if she changed her money to kronur or wanted to see the Great Wall, then hit up interpol for a warrant.
HejdaaNils t1_ixfwmu8 wrote
Very much!
HejdaaNils t1_ixfwvqe wrote
I suspect that OPs mom could command the attention of the New York Times simply by phoning them up to point out a spelling error in the crossword.
Anyone else get those vibes? She is so stylish, OP, please give her a hug from me.
Fondren_Richmond t1_ixfwz2k wrote
> Damn, that shawl screaming Angela from Who’s The Boss
There's a hat for shade and coat for weather, scarf for twisting through the wind
Can't tell cuz they're inside her pockets, prob'ly gloves on both her hands
valencia_merble t1_ixfy86i wrote
I love your mom so much.
Important_Box5685 t1_ixfz1u8 wrote
Moms is kinda bang’n(cute)!
rattlestaway t1_ixfz8ln wrote
kind of like inspector Mirabelle. lol
adamhanson t1_ixg0ckl wrote
Traveling the world closing Eldrich portals
DerpSherpa t1_ixg1m6t wrote
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Masterofunlocking1 t1_ixg1osk wrote
Dr Who vibes and I love it
shovelhead200 t1_ixg2s4s wrote
90’s is old school?! Oh dear lord…
Content-Key-9469 t1_ixg4n7k wrote
Whoopi/Ms Honey/the nice old lady from Home Alone 2 vibes
IlliterateAuthor t1_ixg5off wrote
Her and Indiana Jones are traversing the ice tundra that is the polar ice caps in search of a long lost ice medallion that is rumored to slow the effects of global warming.
GoodLuckLouie t1_ixg641a wrote
Your mom is Carmen San Diego?
TonPereEstIci t1_ixg7hex wrote
She reminds me a bit to moss from IT crowd. She can try to turn me off and on again fs
SlackerKey t1_ixg7zip wrote
Beautiful photo of what appears to be a substantial and interesting woman. It makes me want to see the movie about her.
JakkSplatt t1_ixg86tp wrote
I thought this was my mom at first but she had rose colored glasses 🤣
BouncingRedBalloon t1_ixgbv51 wrote
Your mom looks like Teddy Roosevelts cool rebellious daughter.
Geek_off_the_streets t1_ixgcgw3 wrote
Carmen San Diego vibes.
walterwilter t1_ixgdlh4 wrote
Found her
DiggingThisAir t1_ixggkfe wrote
Great picture!
ThatFamilyMadrigal t1_ixglq7l wrote
I bet she doesn’t talk about Bruno.
tnova2323 t1_ixgojk8 wrote
KmartQuality t1_ixgp9ok wrote
Needs shoulder pads.
Reasonable_Box_2998 t1_ixgqatj wrote
Wow! Your mom looks amazing and important. Like she’s in France drinking coffee and accidentally becomes part of a spy mission.
glovejob t1_ixgrmuf wrote
Looks like it's from the cover of the J. Peterman catalog
CommunicationLive795 t1_ixgv0a3 wrote
Ooooo 🧐 love her style
Hot-Field-7613 t1_ixgv3nq wrote
Wasn't there an episode about Kramer and Jerry's dad and these jackets
Hot-Field-7613 t1_ixgv7kj wrote
I'll get you gadget, if it's the last thing I ever do muwahahaha
FiniSmarac t1_ixgw10q wrote
she is so cool.
-roboticRebel t1_ixh0dk4 wrote
I love your mums 90’s style. In the rain as well, I feel like she would be meeting someone on the platform of a train to give them a secret spy mission before they board…! I would read/watch the hell out of that 😄 Thanks for sharing OP!
Painting_Agency t1_ixh24te wrote
> ice medallion that is rumored to slow the effects of global warming
Bronze Age wizard Gigachad thinking ahead of the game there.
[deleted] t1_ixh28f2 wrote
Painting_Agency t1_ixh2a4i wrote
"I'm not leaving until you give me ANSWERS!"
ScaleneWangPole t1_ixha9x8 wrote
It's the pigeon lady before her family abandoned her in Central Park
brittleknight t1_ixhbu0o wrote
Wow! Fantastic!
Beefsupremeh t1_ixhc73b wrote
Is your mom Carmen San Diego?
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfchw wrote
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfejs wrote
This photo was taken in London
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhffmc wrote
Hahaha yes!
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfhus wrote
She certainly doesn't take crap and yes she is still a classy lady. From a different time I suppose
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfjhh wrote
She's reaching 70 soon
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfl1p wrote
Thanks! I'll share all these comments with her
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfmln wrote
Haha yes, but probably not too ready to mingle
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfnnt wrote
She will love that you said that
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfqom wrote
I know right? I remember them in a drawer of her bedroom
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfsnn wrote
I Promise I will. Thanks for the positive vibes
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhfz0p wrote
Her life story deserves a book or two. I love her very much
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhg03b wrote
Haha so do i
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhg2xq wrote
Long lost twin?
No-Armadillo7693 t1_ixhha8j wrote
You sure that’s not on the frontier in the 1890s
Athenathon t1_ixhp82u wrote
Class ✨
AbuDhabiBabyBoy t1_ixhpwpi wrote
I sold raincoats for 38 years with Harry Flemming!
born_on_mars_1957 t1_ixhsmgn wrote
The original Mrs Doubtfire???
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhtvl0 wrote
Ahaha I like this one
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhtxg2 wrote
She's Haitian
zappafrank1940 t1_ixhu4db wrote
She looks great for being in her early 90’s!!
[deleted] t1_ixhvn8r wrote
MissionarysDownfall t1_ixhwd49 wrote
This woman goes around giving thrilling quest clues to tweens who recently became orphans. Possibly also a witch.
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhxd74 wrote
Thanks! She's still a class act
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhxta1 wrote
Dad a lawyer, mom a Taylor. Lived all over the place, but she studied architecture in NY
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhxx4o wrote
If my dad was rock I'd be somewhere boxing in Philadelphia. But I'd have some true grit
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixhy5dw wrote
Botox does wonders these days
Ok-Employer-6315 t1_ixi2fbk wrote
Well, tell her, she still has a fan club.
TopangaTiki t1_ixi2gzo wrote
Out of curiosity, how true was the rest? Was she a polyglot world traveler science-enthusiast professor?
DoctorIchigaki t1_ixi3z2e wrote
No offense, but from the thumbnail, I thought it was Rita Repulsa from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
voodoo1985 OP t1_ixi6e0j wrote
Haha. Not quite. Haitian born escaped dictatorship by fleeing to America, studied architecture in New York at Columbia, married a swiss man and moved to Liberia, ivory coast, England, France, Haïti, and back to Switzerland. In that time she raised 2 kids, did a PhD in sociology, coordinated the national lobby of engineers and architects in Haiti and worked on restoration and reconstruction of national heritage architecture in Haiti. She has now retired and lives in Switzerland and complains about how cold it is.
atomwol t1_ixi7ezb wrote
Great shoot! The outfit are one from the „forever live” it was good in 70s,80s,90s, good for now and in future is the coat that has few mln versions and is always must have , but the best are glasses and the bag in a „postman” style raw finish -class! and hat is makes the right job,in the style from highlanders from my country.But without your Mom those are just things that I beet she is just decorate any clothes she wear.
TopangaTiki t1_ixi7wom wrote
Oooo I was right about her being international and super intelligent and well-learned though! Surely speaks fluent English and French and probably Swiss German. And engineering is closely related to science. A picture says a lot about a person and I happen to be a very perceptive person. That’s so amazing about her engineering and architectural legacy in Haiti.
RestEnvironmental991 t1_ixibut3 wrote
Carmen san Diego
[deleted] t1_ixihfpf wrote
CatMomma612 t1_ixil4j2 wrote
The camera person knows beauty when he sees it
GeorgiaPossum t1_ixiqi4i wrote
Your mom kind of gives me 'Young Professor Sprout' vibes.
Due-Buy6511 t1_ixj78ac wrote
Woah. I.want to be her.
chojinra t1_ixjfroy wrote
Well, she did find the fountain of youth…
xtrainspottinggg t1_iy5prvo wrote
Oh my, yo mama's FLY.
I was so inspired that I did this quick sketch. Thanks. She's a perfect muse.
voodoo1985 OP t1_iy5r6af wrote
This is so awesome I love it. Thank you so much. I will print it for her
joaomdma t1_ixeynyk wrote