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t1_iw4ec9a wrote

I think it's wholesomely funny how everyone's huddled except your husband and the guy next to him. Gives me "cool guys don't look at explosions" vibes.


t1_iw4lagm wrote

Holy shit, this is amazing. 7 Seconds still rips too. Saw them last year to a packed house and it was killer. And Kevin Seconds is seriously one of the nicest dudes around. My old band toured with them once and it was so much fun. We felt like we had made it.


t1_iw4qkgq wrote

Awesome. I wish my dtr had these experiences but the culture doesn't work to do that anymore. To be friends, you had to be bored together while doing regular things.


t1_iw5b6k7 wrote

7 Seconds the Fuck Your America band?? Dude that rules!


t1_iw5d3w6 wrote

I spy that you were rocking (Punking?) that SNFU shirt!


t1_iw6vyqk wrote

Is that your husband in the Fred Perry polo and i blood DMs? Great style!


t1_iw7azbz wrote

So did the two skinheads on the left photobomb you there? I can't explain their presence otherwise.


t1_iw7hqcv wrote

Anytime I see an SNFU shirt the opening riff of "Time to Buy a Futon" plays in my head. Sadly this does not happen as much as it used to, but it did today! Keep rockin' it sister!

PS - I FINALLY saw the Descendants this year, complete with Bill Stevenson on drums, and they were amazing!