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thedailyvinyls OP t1_j5yxe8c wrote

I'll apologize for the sarcasm that I chose to use when I woke up at 4:30 this morning and saw your comment. I may have misinterpreted the motive/context behind your words. Unfortunately, the internet has done that to me over the years. It's hard to interpret context sometimes, and what was probably just a harmless statement to educate on the correct usage of the word, came across to me at the time as a bitter statement. A statement that made me feel like you were possibly elevating yourself above me for knowing my mistake and pointing it out. I did see how you initially responded to my response before I was able to reply. I do want to say thank you for rewording your thoughts, and typing a more thought out and humanly statement. We make mistakes. While I made one grammatically, I also made one in quick judgment of context. Hope you have a great Thursday as well!


NaughtySpot t1_j604wft wrote

Your reply is much appreciated. I come from a long line of grammar snobs and sometimes it's challenging to step back. Regardless, your photo is wonderful.


thedailyvinyls OP t1_j606pw4 wrote

Honestly, I get it. I still cringe when I see other people use the wrong usage of your/you're, or there/their/they're. To be fair, I typically call that stuff out too. Basic grade school education stuff. I guess the issue with 'me vs. myself' thing, was that in my caption, it didn't feel incorrect or confusing, even if it was wrong. I think this is why I was irritated with the correction by you initially. Looking it up, I was honestly still slightly confused about the usage of it. English is honestly such a strange language. There are often so many rules, and so many variations of a word. I can't even begin to comprehend how hard it must be for someone to learn English as a second language. Anyway, I appreciate the response back and thanks for the compliment. It's refreshing to step back a moment, not let feelings overcome oneself, and actually talk something out with someone over the internet for a change.