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grv413 t1_j6rssh8 wrote

It at least might give the people responding better empathy… but they’re still cops with guns (we don’t need armed police officers responding to these situations). But even so, I doubt it.

I work in an ED that has cop supervision for security purposes. We had a schizophrenic man in a psychotic state who was stuck with us waiting for placement for over 2 weeks (a story in it of itself). And multiple different cops (I actually lost count in how many) came up to me on multiple different occasions and just said absolutely horrific things about a clearly mentally ill man.

“They should just lock him up and throw away the key, he has crazy eyes, you can’t fix that”

“He doesn’t deserve a hospital bed while he’s waiting, he deserves to be locked in a cell”

“You guys shouldn’t even be interacting with this guy. He should be in a locked room with no windows and cameras”

“I don’t even know why he’s hear, you can’t fix him”

And this is in an incredibly wealthy suburb with cops who are supposed to be trained in dealing with mental health crises. And EVERY TIME they had to respond to him acting out, they made the situation worse.

The sooner we as a society realize and try to actually correct the flaws in our police force (that is, start over) the better off we all will be.


drxdrg08 t1_j6snzbu wrote

> but they’re still cops with guns (we don’t need armed police officers responding to these situations)

Are you saying that someone who is mentally ill and is going through a violent episode senses threat from men with guns and it makes it worse? Fine.

So by that logic we need to send someone who does not look like a threat? Who defines what that looks like? Does everyone in a mental crisis respond the same to what we define as non threatening? Is there any quantitative evidence behind any of these ideas?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6tg3do wrote

Come the fuck on, you can find stories from all over the country about officers who didn't feel like dealing with a mentally ill person and just murdered them.

The police are a violent gang who react to everything with violence. We shouldn't be sending violent gangsters to "help" people in a mental health crisis.


drxdrg08 t1_j6tgxgp wrote

> The police are a violent gang who react to everything with violence.

Is this an organized gang? Who is in this gang? Federal police? State police? Local police? School police? Is this a voluntary membership? Do they have gang rules that they have to follow? Killing mental people is one of them apparently?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6thfa4 wrote

Unironic yes to all of that, Rampart at LAPD even had tattoos for killing people.

The police are a violent gang, you do not send violent gangsters to help people with mental health problems.


drxdrg08 t1_j6tjcjh wrote

> Unironic yes to all of that

Fine. So who wants to replace them? Where are those people?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6tjjja wrote

Literally anything other than a bunch of the dumbest fucking bullies in America who were given military equipment and told that they were Hero Warriors who are above the law and can bestow death on anyone they'd like with impunity. Quite literally anything.


drxdrg08 t1_j6tukeo wrote

You didn't answer a direct question. Where are these 1 million people that you think are qualified and that are willing to replace the existing police? What are they doing it right now?

Are they nurses? Are they psychologists? Who are they now? Do they exist?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6tv5lx wrote

I answered the question. Literally anyone or anything else, because police as they exist right now in America are an armed gang that operates with impunity and reacts to anything with violence.


drxdrg08 t1_j6tx3ud wrote

> Literally anyone

So why are they not applying to be police?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6txyog wrote

Are you a cop? You do a lot of bootlicking in various threads here.

Because policing culture in the US is rotten from top to bottom and keeps anyone who isn't like them out. That's why it all needs to be eradicated.


drxdrg08 t1_j6u1qsp wrote

> Because policing culture in the US is rotten from top to bottom and keeps anyone who isn't like them out.

So the non gang members are kept out at the hiring stage? Do they flash secret gang signs in the interview? Am I getting this right?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6u1xja wrote

You're a cop, aren't you?

Literally anyone would be better than the police we have, because police culture in this country is rotten from top to bottom. Other countries manage policing just fine without their police forces turning into gangs that murder with impunity.


drxdrg08 t1_j6u3qy0 wrote

> You're a cop, aren't you?

You have mental illness yourself, don't you?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6u3w9c wrote

So you definitely are a cop. Color me shocked.

The police in this country are out of control, and everyone knows it but the cops.


drxdrg08 t1_j6u4907 wrote

> So you definitely are a cop. Color me shocked.

I'm not a cop. Or a mental health professional. But you are clearly a nut case. Not in a Reddit insult way. Like you should have it check out way if it wasn't diagnosed already.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6u9b6a wrote

Lol you're not even a cop but you're all over this subreddit licking cop ass for free. Amazing.


Here's some cops in California shooting a wheelchair-bound double-amputee to death.


If you're fine with this sort of shit, you've got brain worms.