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IDGAF_Its_My_Opinion t1_ja6joj2 wrote

Great point. My daughter does both band & chorus. Next time a concert runs past 7 PM on a school night I'll make sure they shut that shit down right away.

What else could we put an end to...

No more 6 AM swim team practice before school, either. No more swim meets. Practiced an hour before school each day and 2 hours after. No sitting in the gym all day Saturday at the swim meet. You're out of time.

Let's not even talk about hockey games & practices. They can be at 5 AM or 10 PM. Then all the weekend games & tournaments.

Friday night football game two hours from home on the bus? Nope... Already practiced 3 hours a day. By the time you get there, you're off the clock. Gotta forfeit at half time to get home before the 18 hour per week clock runs out. This would include band & cheerleaders too.

Again, my point is that if a kid wants to do something productive, let them do it. Sports, band, book club, work, whatever. You say let them join clubs or sports and figure out what they enjoy. Maybe they enjoy working, or is that not a thing anymore?


Dain42 t1_ja6seb3 wrote

Nobody enjoys working, especially not the sort of service industry jobs that minors can get.

The clue is that they have to pay you to be there.

Also, your comment is basically just a Gish Gallop. Specious, bad faith arguments just whizzing by like telephone poles along the highway.

But, actually, just to pick the strangest one you included: hell no, 6am swim practices shouldn't be allowed!! Kids would have to be getting up around 5a to get there and be ready, so to get adequate sleep, they'd need to be getting to bed around 8 or 9 the previous night, something I guarantee highschool-aged kids are not going to be doing.

Extracurriculars shouldn't actively detract from academics. That's the same reason we regulate working conditions for minors the way we do, actually: so we don't detract from their education.


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_ja7qrob wrote

>Nobody enjoys working

Ah, there's the sticky wicket. I fucking LOVED working when I was 15. Making money, hanging out with friends, money for dates, buying stuff that I wanted because I had money. It was fucking awesome.

I still do, actually, but I'm fortunate enough to have a good work ethic that got me a great job.


Dain42 t1_ja9l58k wrote

You should tell your boss that you enjoy it so much he can stop paying you!!

But being serious, it sounds like you liked having money, not working. Those are very different things.


hahahoudini t1_ja72uq5 wrote

You make some damn fine points! But why stop there? Just keep on going with that kickass logic! Let's bring the 4 year old chimney sweeps! 2 year olds hosing down entrails at the slaughterhouses! They'll think it's fun if they don't know any better! I say let em be *productive, * instead of wastin all that time wit useless schoolin! Yee haw!


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_ja7qtwc wrote

Yeah, because a teenager having a job is completely similar to those things. Didn't you work as a teenager?


hahahoudini t1_ja89zie wrote

The whole point of my post was to illustrate that bc something happened in the past doesn't make it something to aspire or even acquiesce to.

If you're just a lonely stranger on the internet trying to have a discussion about the way things were, then yes, I started working at 15, worked with most of my free time, to pay for things like food and gas money, and I lost pace to my classmates who had more study time. Their parents cared more and understood how capitalism works. My high school jobs as janitor and worker in a book shipping factory only prevented me from getting into better colleges. How about we try to do better for kids today than yesterday instead of trying to brag about how hard we had it to justify backsliding into the bad ideas that flourished during the industrial revolution? Also, exploiting child labor reduces pressure to increase wages for adult workers (really just even keep pace with inflation), which is a whole nother basket of things that are fucked up. Corporations can afford to pay workers more. The adults working jobs should be paid enough that families don't need multiple incomes just to get by.


Nick08f1 t1_jaca8lk wrote

The hours are there to help prioritize things to help further themselves and not get trapped in the grind at a young age.