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godofleet t1_j76wjjb wrote

it's more than religion IMO ... it's celebrity / institution worship

we are practically programmed from a very early age to accept XYZ person/organization/institution as the final say, as the ultimate, unchanging truth.

this ties into government and corporations too - in the same way people seem to think the US government can do no wrong there are people who think elon musk can do no wrong...

the worst of it is the central banks - without any doubts, we all trust that money will just "work" and isn't inherently corrupted or corruptible despite central bankers being just another tiny series of greedy, manipulatable, biased, coercible [etc] human beings... an intuition as fallible as any.

surely the best solution would be a system of rules, without rulers... something rooted in nature that maintains a verifiably ledger/record of truth for everyone and anyone- based on energy itself perhaps... and at least with regard to money, this actually exists now- don't overlook bitcoin, it's perhaps the most important discovery our species has ever made in the effort to stop worshiping and trusting, god-kings and centralized institutions and instead rely on a properly decentralized, for-the-people-by-the-people monetary network.