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Griff82 t1_j7fewf1 wrote

A few sedition convictions and Bob's your uncle.


OGZackov t1_j7fez8j wrote

You got at least 3 less voters from that family that couldn't take it that trump lost and killed themselves over there.

Shame it's a crazy cult.


bitterbeerfaces t1_j7flswt wrote

Not sure why this comment is getting down voted. But you are absolutely right.


OGZackov t1_j7fnu3y wrote

It's a little rude considering the circumstances. The daughter could have definitely gotten help if the parents weren't such wackos.

The really sad thing, if it was a liberal family with a trans kid in the same situation, do you think fox news and Tucker Carlson would be using it as ammunition?


bitterbeerfaces t1_j7fonyc wrote

I am sad for the daughter- the parents are certainly to blame for this situation.

At least they didn't kill the dog.


ell0bo t1_j7fo9ys wrote

I'm not sure how? All tucker could say would be "look what our policies did", and them types aren't exactly known for introspection.


OGZackov t1_j7foivi wrote

theyd blame it as a mental disease and other comments and saying this is what liberal ideas lead too....

It has nothing to do with their policies.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j7fyr96 wrote

Is there a source for trump losing being a driving reason behind what happened? Horrible either way, but if that was a reason.....sheesh. How...."sad" isn't the right word, maybe someone could help me out.

I did drive by a house in York county yesterday that still has huge Mastriano signs up. May or may not have yelled "your fascist lost!" when I drove by (windows up, I'm not crazy enough to taunt someone who likely is more pro-gun than pro-woman).


IamSauerKraut t1_j7g05uw wrote

York Daily Record has an article about it.


OGZackov t1_j7g218d wrote

So she was homeschooled and fed constant conspiracies and a lot of people suggested she was starting to show signs of schizophrenia.

Everyone described them as super pro trump and had a lot of ramblings about how "evil won" and how bad Biden is.

The 'driving' reason was probably mental illness brought on by her upbringing and surroundings, which included a lot of pro trump and religion conspiracies.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j7ga07i wrote

Damn. Awful.

ETA - I don't support trump, never have a day in my life. Dunno why the downvotes, even though I disagree with everything trump stands for, it's still an awful situation to be that unwell. Makes me feel bad for people who are suicidal (been there done that, y'all).