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theSG-17 t1_j7g7djw wrote

All of the river islands between Sunbury and Harrisburg should be state property for public use.


ho_merjpimpson t1_j7gphe2 wrote

i was curious what was required for squatters rights in pa, so i looked it up. you would have to be there for 21 years, and during that time, not leave for more than a week stretch, and the neighbors and property owners would have to be notified. and there are a slew of simple things that could make it void, such as the property being posted..

so it would be pretty hard, if not impossible, to pull off. but i wish you well in your journey.


baron4406 t1_j7gvaec wrote

When I was a kid my dad and I and a few friends would take a 3 day canoeing trip starting in the Juniata and ending up in the Susquehanna. We'd camp on the islands. My dad is long gone now and seeing this brings up this memories.


Sybertron t1_j7hs89c wrote

Always seemed like it could be a potential destination if allowed. Kinda like how Thousand Islands NY is .


cmilkrun t1_j7iicd2 wrote

I always chill on these when I kayak. Good fishing spots. Now I know who owns them.


DonBoy30 t1_j7kgefm wrote

So much land around my way is privately owned in weird family trusts that go completely unused or unmanaged. I’ve noticed the state buying up stuff around and I hope it really continues.

I’ve never lived in a state on the east coast with such a vast state public lands system. The Game Commission and DCNR rival federal land agencies, and we are spoiled for it.