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MtCarmelUnited t1_j7n4uxg wrote

You're oversimplifying, by looking at funding in per-pupil amounts. That ignores the fact that districts with many high-poverty families have higher numbers (and proportions) of students that require learning-support services. Students from well-off families need less intensive resources to be academically successful. In other words, it's cheaper to educate rich kids.


hypotenoos t1_j7n5n1k wrote

And it always will be because you aren’t asking the school to manage a whole host of issues that are based outside its walls.

It doesn’t change the fact that more and more money into a school system doesn’t always remedy the problems that system suffers from. Because the school can only do so much.


delusions- t1_j7nv5pm wrote

That's being said there's no reason to not fix this problem to help SOME districts. An imperfect STEP to a solution is better than doing nothing because the step doesn't fix the whole problem


hypotenoos t1_j7nvjie wrote

My point is doing more of the same just with more money probably isn’t going to get better results.

There are broken districts. There is a state intervention program to deal with that, but it doesn’t do a very good job. Like Act 47 for municipalities, many that go in never come back out.