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Super_C_Complex t1_ja0u365 wrote

So a few things you seem to be concerned about.

First. Nuclear power is safer than other forms of power. Chernobyl was the last one that really endangered a significant amount of people. But that was soviet Russia. Three mile island is in PA and had similar issues but didn't endanger people to the same extent. You'll be fine.

Second. You'd have to check the ordinances of whatever borough or township you move into whether you can have septic and well, you must likely can.

Third. Crime. I know the trending narrative is that big cities are outliers for the amount of crime that's happening but honestly, being in rural PA you're more likely to be the victim of a crime but most crimes go unreported. I've found PSP to be really bad at calling murders, murder. At least when they don't care about the victim. New York is probably about as safe as the area of PA you're moving to.

Now, you're "tyranny" bit won't get you a lot of love here But you'd probably fit in well in this area.
Big Trump zone. Bunch of excess deaths from covid. Bunch of small people in jail for January 6 stuff

You're wrong but you won't think that if you live in the Berwick outlying areas.