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Mortico t1_j7pcns5 wrote

Nope. The boomers are a huge generation. They have immense political power, and they use it. They pass laws that are meant to help themselves at the expense of everyone else. When they were young, they voted for laws that help young people, and civil rights. Then they passed laws that help middle aged people starting careers. Then they passed laws that lowered their taxes because they were now rich.

At the expense of everyone else.

Our bridges are falling down around us, there's lead pipes, decades of pollution, and so on. It will take decades to undo the damage the boomers have done to America. All because they wanted lower taxes so they could keep more money for themselves.

My generation, and those that follow will have to pick up the tab for all of that neglect. It will cost 10x as much to fix all this shit than if we had just maintained it.

Don't even get me started on healthcare. Healthcare in this country is geared towards serving the boomers. They had pensions and good insurance when it was cheap, and now they have Medicare. They want to make sure we don't get universal healthcare because it doesn't benefit them at all.

This entire country was ruined by the boomers and I cannot 2ait until they all die. Bunch of selfish, short-sighted assholes who ruined this planet and are laughing all the way to the bank.


goplantagarden t1_j7pf4tb wrote

Boomers also handed over vast power to corporations in the name of their almighty god, capitalism; creating the billionaire class that sends dark money to any candidate who supports their investor's portfolios and unchecked growth.

Boomers and corporations quite literally made it legal to poison the environment, kill off habitats, and change the climate. To the point people are dying and they still don't care.


Heathen_Mushroom t1_j7pi126 wrote

People forget, or never knew, that the Boomers were considered (and considered themselves) a highly progressive generation. They were the generation that basically started the broad acceptance of the civil rights movement, sexual liberation, women's lib, the anti-war movement, anti-capitalism in the West, and the first to really broadly support environmentalism.

They couldn't wait until the older generation that started two world wars, committed genocides, and dropped nuclear bombs on civilian cities died off.

The famous saying, "Don't trust anyone over 30." was a Boomer invention.

Does any of this sound familiar?The lack of knowledge of social history of just the preceding generation, not to mention past centuries, is either down to a failure of schools or supreme narcissism.


Mortico t1_j7pk0s0 wrote

I study history, economics, geography, geopolitics a dn so on as a hobby. For decades.

They did start these movements, yes. I said as much when I said they voted for civil rights and freedoms for young people. WHEN THEY WERE YOUNG PEOPLE.

They voted for whatever suited their demographic the best. Most generations do that, but because they are a huge portion of the electorate, they always go their way.

They are the same people who run universities like businesses, charge too much for shit education, and then vote against student loan forgiveness.

They own the universities now, that's why. They don't care about young people now, they only cared about young people when they were young.

I had my college tuition paid for by rich boomers. But I still empathize with students today, because they get such a shit deal. I was fortunate, but the boomers don't see things that way. They feel they earned everything they stole through hard work and determination. But they are totally blind to the fact that they've been rigging the system in their favor for decades, and that they happen to come of age during one of the most productive and prosperous times in American history. Sure they contributed to that, but college was cheap, houses were cheap, jobs were plentiful, they paid well, people had job security and pensions and unions.

Then they voted to TAKE ALL OF THAT AWAY from everyone else the second they sat in the manager's chair. Pensions have been looted, college is a scam, houses are criminally overpriced, wages haven't changed in 30 years. How old were boomers 30 years ago? They were 40 years old. They froze wages and gave themselves raises and lower taxes the second they didn't need them for themselves anymore.

Boomers own 65% of the square footage of this country's housing. Millennials own 4%.

The only saving grace is that housing prices will crash when no one can afford to buy all these boomer mansions. But it will destroy the entire world economy. The boomers won't care, because they will be dead. The rest of us have to clean up the mess they made.


Redlar t1_j7qxezj wrote

>The only saving grace is that housing prices will crash when no one can afford to buy all these boomer mansions

As much as I would love for this to happen you may be forgetting that houses are being bought by investment firms as part of investment portfolios that are then rented out or bought by companies solely to use as airbnbs

Boomer money isn't going to the younger generations, it's going to be vacuumed up by nursing homes, expensive healthcare, and reverse mortgages.

Corporations not people will be seeing the money, we will be left with the scraps that they so generously bestow upon us


Mortico t1_j7r3pw3 wrote

Entirely possible. At this point I expect to inherit nothing.


baldude69 t1_j7pnxfj wrote

For sure they pioneered much of this thought, but they grew up in fat times, and when things got tough(er) they turned to Reagan, who granted was largely buoyed by their parents generation. Their turn to conservatism is nothing short of astounding and honestly seems very self-serving.

I do credit them with bringing ideas like gay rights, racial equality, environmental stewardship, and much more into mainstream thought and education, and doing some amazing things along the way, but the shift to the right blows me away, even among some of my childhood friends parents.

I’m not going to say Millenials grew up in the toughest of times, but we have witnessed a large erosion of the middle class in our own lifetimes, seen the hypocrisy of the billionaire class and their purchased politicians, and the complacency (at best) of the boomer generation, seen good jobs become more and more out of reach, healthcare worsen, pensions disappear, and more. So I don’t think we will go the same route as boomers, and I do think we are to and demand change, because right now we have a broken system that is propping up the oldest generation and not doing much for anyone else. The boomers and golden generation have obstructed this change at every opportunity, but their time is nigh, and change will come