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tyrael459 t1_j7s0ghx wrote

Seriously. The mornings are already starting to feel like early spring mornings, well before the sun is even up.

It’s probably gonna be like the last 5 years or whatever when we get a blizzard at the very end of March/early April. Ugh.


Pennsylvania-ModTeam t1_j7wkorv wrote

Your post must be directly relevant to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Mijbr090490 t1_j7rk6lh wrote

There are tulips popping in South Central. That groundhog is full of shit.


jpop237 t1_j7s0r8s wrote

Same in Center City Philadelphia. I had to do a double take when I noticed the leaves stretching out of the ground.


tideblue t1_j7sx7vs wrote

What about “False Spring” that happens every year? A few nice days followed by some bitter cold. Don’t let a few Sunny days in the 60’s lull you into thinking Winter is over.