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Totallynotacylon t1_jaasr4b wrote

After the debate I almost didn’t vote in the senate contest. I was so pissed at the Democratic Party, I still feel like we’ve been tricked. I couldn’t vote for Oz, but Fetterman’s debate performance was painful to watch. It was so obvious he had a long road to recovery ahead. I almost wanted to write in Connor Lamb. At that point, I knew voting for Fetterman was voting for an empty suit to hold office long enough until a replacement could be found. Of course when I voiced my concerns in the WaPo comment section, I was called an idiot. I’m sure I’ll be called an idiot here too. Whatever, I’m probably going to switch my voter registration to Republican soon anyways. This was the last of many last straws.


DripDropFaucet t1_jaax51h wrote

I mean I voted for the dude on his principles. A majority of the job is getting elected and voting for things that your constituents want (ideally). I think even in his state he’s been able to do both. If he doesn’t start showing signs of improvement soon though I’d also hope that he step down for someone better suited for those responsibilities.


Totallynotacylon t1_jab56pp wrote

Being a senator is more than just voting, though. You also represent your constituents interests in subcommittees and by forming alliances with other members and submitting bills and a lot of other things. How can he do that in his current state? I feel like the party is going to keep covering for him until it’s convenient to drop him. He should resign now and focus on his health and his family. Downvote away, but you all know I’m right.


ChrissyLove13 t1_jaav9jw wrote

You are making too much sense...prepare to be attacked by the gaslighters.


artisanrox t1_jab2coz wrote

>I’m probably going to switch my voter registration to Republican soon anyways.

Nobody needs psychological counseling in Gilead, I guess, prayze the Lard!


CleverName550 t1_jab21qo wrote

I understand. I'm living in Georgia currently. So when the GOP ran Hershel Walker who is not particularly intelligent compounded by the likelihood of brain damage from football all because Trump wanted him, I felt nauseous. I couldn't vote for that clown. At least Fetterman was fully functioning when he entered the Democratic primary.

I changed my voter registration to Democrat after this past election. Trump and Trumpism were the first strike. The GOP blocking the insulin cap for all Americans was the second strike. And nominating a man clearly unqualified for Georgia's senate seat was the third strike. So I'm out of the GOP. Thank God Kemp isn't a full blown Trumper though. Kemp and Raffensberger won BECAUSE they demonstrated independence from Trump. Walker clung to Trump.


[deleted] t1_jaei4iu wrote



CleverName550 t1_jaeqtaf wrote

You have reading comprehension problems. All my points were critiques of REPUBLICANS and not Democrats. I said I was disgusted Republicans voted to strip an insulin cap for all. I said I changed my voter registration to Democratic since then. If you read carefully I am making a counterpoint to the person I was responding to who was blaming Democrats for everything. I genuinely don't understand how you read my post and didn't understand it was a critique of the Republican Party in its entirety going strike by strike until the GOP struck out entirely with me.

Lastly, I can post wherever I want. I'm from Philly. Well, Delco to be specific.


[deleted] t1_jaethp8 wrote



CleverName550 t1_jaewh8c wrote

Hershel Walker is dumb as rocks and a clown who I'd never vote for. He also likely has brain damage from his football career.