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ieatpotatochips t1_j867ipe wrote

Since you are using Canada as an example here are the list of IDs that are acceptable to vote in Canada.

Notice it’s a very long list of IDs and how many of the IDs listed would be free or something you already have because your a member of an organization or make use of some specific service that an organization provides. It’s a very comprehensive list that makes a wide array of options available to Canadian voters and ensures that as many people as possible can participate in the election and not be left out. This is the opposite of what’s generally proposed by the GOP. In our country the voter ID that is proposed is usually either a drivers license, which is not free but also not something everyone who is voter eligible can obtain. They also propose a regular government ID, again something that id not free and unavailable to some people who should be allowed to vote. Or other times they propose a whole new voter specific ID but again something that is never proposed as free and comes with new rules about who is eligible which would again exclude people who should be eligible to vote.