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t1_j9pjgta wrote

The best part is they justified that $180k/year by stating that hiring an in-house full-time PR person would cost more than that. I'll let you in on a secret, it doesn't.


t1_j9q5a9t wrote

I mean, why would a school even need a PR person?


t1_j9qnuz9 wrote

>why would a school even need a PR person?

There are plenty of reasons. And many SD's have a PR person. But doing it the way the CB school board is doing it and at that price is absurd.


t1_j9uw05b wrote

In the old days? To handle requests from the local media for a variety of stories, such as covering the school play, science fair, elementary school event, exceptional students and access for sporting events. Also to inform news agencies of said stories, be a spokesperson for the school in the event of a crisis or emergency, coordinate interviews with principals or the superintendent.

These days? Run interference so none of the admins or elected officials have to speak to the press. And even then, they usually hide, too. Trump’s taught everyone that ignoring the media and taking offense to anyone who DARES to question an elected or appointed official is perfectly fine and should come with no consequences. School boards in PA, many of which have always been hives of power-hungry Karens and Kens, are on steroids now.


t1_j9pu5ug wrote

Not that I agree that a school needs this, but a well connected pr person will cost far more than 180k/yr. Yes you can hire someone with good ideas for cheaper but the ability to get your message out in the main media channels consistently requires networking, clout, and will cost you A LOT more than 180k.

Again, a school doesn't need that shit.


t1_j9px6w0 wrote

They can use paid distribution services and hire a skilled copywriter for far less. This is just another example of gross misspending by yet another Pennsylvania school district.


t1_j9q5ngh wrote

Yet I'm sure they, and all that voted to put said board in place, would claim to be fiscal conservatives.


t1_j9qnxuy wrote

>hire a skilled copywriter

A copywriter is not a PR person. Very different skill set.


t1_j9q557z wrote

CRSD was paying their communications person somewhere in the $100-120k range the last time I looked. Add in benefits and I can believe it might make more sense to hire a firm - for a bit more you get a whole team instead of just a single person.


t1_j9r6dy0 wrote

I think the implication is that they still have their communications person, but then they also hired this PR firm, so kind of an added cost whereas internal rearrangement or something could have been much less expensive.

Maybe they fired the communications person you’re speaking of when they hired this firm?


t1_j9rin2l wrote

A whole team who collectively probably spends less time working on it than a single employee in a given month.