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v_squared96 t1_j9r4lec wrote

That high salary is almost twice the highest paid teacher. “Average” is highly skewed because of that. I believe the starting salary is 47k. I work in the district… 20+ years. Our salary schedule taps out at 116k. It sounds like a lot but I’m in my mid to late 40s, have a masters plus 30 credits and can’t move to other districts since most don’t honor your years of service. There are people I know in “marketing” in there 20s that make as much as I do with bonuses. I’m not complaining but the community brags about the great education, but many teachers can’t afford to live in the district.


drxdrg08 t1_j9revq3 wrote

> have a masters

I hope you are not teaching math.

> That high salary is almost twice the highest paid teacher. “Average” is highly skewed because of that.

Look again.

> Average annual salary was $89,910 and median salary was $94,472


v_squared96 t1_j9rz37c wrote

Ha. If the median salary is 94k, half the teachers make less than that. I would like to see what the “teacher” pay average is when admin is removed from the calculation. I would imagine the 225k is the superintendent. 116k is about half that. Like I said, the number sounds big compared to districts not in Bucks county. But, cost of living in Bucks around Doylestown is nuts. Our EAs and support staff get paid squat and the building couldn’t run without them.