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relaxed-bread t1_j8epjno wrote

I don’t understand how a grant can be awarded and then not released. I don’t understand why change in leadership at the grantee organization would affect a previously awarded grant unless the organization chooses to terminate its participation in the grant or the change somehow makes them non compliant with federal CDBG regulations.

If this is a pass through of federal money (ie federal block grant awarded to the state, then parceled out to the county) then there are compliance requirements for Peaceful Knights as a grantee. The authorizing statute for the CDBG programs contains a specific statutory prohibition on religious discrimination in these programs.

ETA: Aggie Schoenberger was just at the Palmerton Chamber of Commerce Meeting this month talking about how she couldn’t get government funding because of her religious requirements. No mention of this from her at that time..


Tria821 t1_j8gqfxd wrote

I'm tired of seeing people hide behind religion or, more particularly, religious persecution when there are so many other, obvious reasons for why people and/or programs aren't bending over backwards to award things to them.