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madmanz123 t1_j8f1a9g wrote

No, I think people only put a certain level of effort to post things and dumb people don't follow links before downvoting because their too in a hurry to be outraged. It's a shitty policy, but I'm not going to assume the person who bothered to look up the details and repost them for our use is a shitty person by default because they didn't check enough boxes for you. Settle down and go be mad at the right people.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j8f1lpb wrote

🙄✌🏻 you have a good one, this isn't worth my energy


madmanz123 t1_j8f43cu wrote

See, the thing is you should have figured that out before your first comment ;) Take it easy and drink some tea.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j8f49vh wrote

Or, hear me out, I'm not gonna argue with someone who somehow thinks I'm responsible for multiple people downvoting and insulting my intelligence. Take it easy and quit being a "mad man".