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300blakeout t1_j8ft35p wrote

Everyone I know who got the shot/boosters have also got covid. Symptoms varied. Everyone has survived regardless of being vaccinated/boosted or not.


ronreadingpa t1_j8gtndx wrote

Groupthink is strong here. You're absolutely correct! Even the manufacturers publicly mentioned early on that the vaccines weren't tested for whether they were sterilizing (preventing spread) and that their main purpose was reducing severity of symptoms.

So, it's no surprise many still caught it. Some debate whether the vaccines reduced symptoms, but that's another discussion. For those in high-risk groups (ie. over the age of 60-70), the general medical consensus is it's worthwhile getting the shots regardless.

The bigger question is whether young people, especially males, should get the shots. Many differing positions on that with some health agencies taking a more nuanced approach. One can search the web for more details.

Again, as you observe, none of the vaccines were intended to stop spread. Many news sources and politicians, including the CDC (lost a lot of credibility), oversold what the vaccines were tested and intended for. Reducing severity of symptoms. That's it.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8i5pif wrote

> The bigger question is whether young people, especially males, should get the shots.

This isn't a question at all, everybody should, and your angle here is obvious when you don't state a reason for young males to not get the shots.
Everyone should get them. It should just be understood that the vaccines make you less likely to get extremely sick, and that high risk people (overweight, diabetes, > 60, etc) are still high risk and should take care to limit their exposure, vaccinated or not.


ronreadingpa t1_j8jjbdt wrote

All vaccinations come with risks. Health authorities recognize this. The tradeoff for young people, in particular males, is questionable. Read up more on the subject. The "everyone should" stance isn't helpful and counterproductive. As with many things, there's nuance. To ignore that erodes public confidence of health authorities.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8joi6l wrote

> All vaccinations come with risks.

This is not a meaningful statement.

No one is suggesting that young males not get a regular regimen of childhood vaccinations. Every male in America has gotten their CDC-recommended regimen of vaccinations, and all states require this to enter primary school.

You are only suggesting that young males not get this vaccine. You are only saying "vaccines have risks!" (that we're not invoking for other vaccines) and that I should "read up more on the subject," that's why I'm saying your angle here is obvious bullshit. If you had a real reason why young people (especially males) should not get it, you'd just post it.


There is zero reason for anyone, including young males, to not get the Covid vaccine. It is not perfect but the benefits outweigh the risks, just like any vaccine.


Zenith2017 t1_j8igmry wrote

I super hope you don't take this anecdote to be representative of everyone


300blakeout t1_j8iip77 wrote

Seems to be most people’s experience I’ve spoken to about it. Haven’t heard any different with people I know across the US. The only people who say otherwise have been unknown internet folk, such as yourself. Seems to be a strange pattern here. I have yet to meet someone who regrets not getting it, however, many I know do… also something to think about. Take care.


Zenith2017 t1_j8infps wrote



300blakeout t1_j8kz63c wrote

Im being nice. A lot of people. A lot of health practitioners. Science minded individuals that I met when getting a health science degree. Not magic the gathering pot smokers that think they have a clue. It’s easier to be fooled than to be convinced you’ve been fooled. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Zenith2017 t1_j8l2qp6 wrote

If you're trying to claim that your anecdotes outweigh the combined research might of the health community for two years I have a bridge to sell you

Oh, I checked in and played the profile game, back to your turn. Conspiracy theorist and gun nut, great combination


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j8i5izx wrote

The vaccines are a net good but the CDC outright lied to people and told them that the vaccines would A> make them immune to covid, and B> keep them from spreading covid.
They couldn't have fucked up their own credibility harder if they tried.


Deadendbend t1_j8ipuwp wrote

Exactly. Fool me once …. The people that were getting it got it and the t shirt to tell everyone. Those that don’t have it, aren’t getting it.
