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laurajodonnell t1_jadgpjg wrote

Pretty much grew up at Knoebels. That place will always hold a special place in my heart. Not to mention the food!


CatOfTheDecade t1_jadnr38 wrote

What I love about Knoebels is that so much of the park that was there when I was in high school is still there with little to no change. They never embraced $15 hot dogs or in-your-face advertising. It's just a chill and cheap place to relax and grab some amazing food.


zorionek0 OP t1_jadoycc wrote

Pickle on a stick!


Mac2925 t1_jae95yz wrote

Tri Taters are my go to


Luvs2spooge89 t1_jaf1rje wrote

I remember when they were $1.75 for 3. Now I think it’s like $5, but they are so good.


starglitter t1_jaesswp wrote

My dad and I are a little obsessed with Knoebels. We go multiple times a year. Now that we're older, we don't even ride rides. We go to walk around and eat food. And maybe play mini golf.


tansugaqueen t1_jaerrco wrote

I've only been to Knoebels once, loved it wasn't crowded & I had the best tasting ice cream I ever had since being a kid


laurajodonnell t1_jaexgmn wrote

I agree with you! They have a soft serve blueberry ice cream that is my absolute favorite.