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Tria821 t1_j8utblr wrote

It is my understanding (and I left the farm over a decade ago so it may no longer be accurate) that dairy farms picked a processor who would come around with a tanker truck 2x or 3x a week, depending on production, and take that milk to a REGIONAL processing/bottling plant. It's that regional part that concerns me. Without knowing how far or for how long any contamination may linger - AND knowing the industry's reputation for putting profits far above worrying about people, I am concerned.

I don't know if pasteurizing would concentrate or eliminate these contaminations. I believe (airborne) the EPA accepts 1ppm per day as not harmful, but we're seeing 60+ppm in the area right now. What happens to any animals that aren't outright killed by the chemicals? Are we tracking to see where these herds get sent? What if they are transported/sold to farmers in Virginia or to farms on the far side of the Appalachians, or to upstate NY? How are we tracking every cow? ARE we tracking any cows?

What happens to school children who received minor exposure from the derailment, but then end up also consuming low-level contaminated dairy or grain products? We may not even have the data to answer these questions, but what I do know is that I don't trust Nestle, Aurora or any of the other processors to police themselves.