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UShouldBDancing t1_j919xih wrote

I won’t repeat all the good explanations here of how replacing elected officials works but, seriously, is this a question that needs to be asked?

Clinical depression following a stroke is common. A stroke causes chemical changes in your brain. Psychiatric care and medication can help people recover to their normal selves.

Point is, it’s unlikely he’ll be unable to continue to serve any more than someone who has a heart attack, or a stroke, or a severe trauma injury. Our other senator was recently diagnosed with cancer and no one made dumbass claims about his spouse gunning for his job.

Background from ASA about post-stroke depression


RoyalEagle0408 t1_j964pxg wrote

The discussion about Fetterman being capable of being in office vs Casey has been really frustrating to me. It’s almost like because Casey has been in for so long and wasn’t just elected that people forget about him. But also, no one thinks cancer (that required surgery!) will keep him away from votes and whatnot? The weird double standard is stupid. They’re both dealing with health problems that they are openly taking care of. It’s unfortunate timing but they are both capable of doing their job.