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ramvan t1_ja8bn4i wrote

People are still getting arrested for pot, as dumb as that is.


beef_is_here t1_ja8bz50 wrote

Yeah, just as the GOP wants. They don’t want to STOP putting people in jail, they would prefer to put MORE people in jail.


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_ja99773 wrote

Yeah, the GOP needs their slaves ummm I mean they need their forced labor... wait...that's not right either... ummm


drxdrg08 t1_ja8p9y2 wrote

> they would prefer to put MORE people in jail

What's the incentive to do that do you think?


WallStSucksChinaDick t1_ja8skuh wrote

Are you asking why? Because private prisons will not filled themselves up on their own. Follow money. Profit.


drxdrg08 t1_ja9qrnu wrote

There are no private prisons in this state.


Dagon_Targaryen t1_ja8ze41 wrote

The for profit prison industry for one but mainly who do you think gets disproportionately arrested and convicted of these crimes….


drxdrg08 t1_ja9qt70 wrote

There are no private prisons in this state.


Dagon_Targaryen t1_ja9s9dq wrote

The state owns the prisons but contracts out to private for profit security companies like The GEO Group to run our prisons. Nice try though.


drxdrg08 t1_ja9uz6h wrote

That's not true. Prison guards are unionized civil service positions.


Dagon_Targaryen t1_ja9xn6n wrote

My guy I don’t think you are quite grasping the concept that PA has a mixture of state run and contracted facilities.

What’s funny is you can even look through by district and region on the site and see which are contract too.


Odd_Shirt_3556 t1_ja914xb wrote

Do you know where a lot of people get arrested for weed? College and Universities… The reason why is even more bizarre. The Federal Government has a law that says if they don’t charge drug crimes that the school could lose federal funds and aid. Also once you are convicted, you are ineligible for federal aid.


[deleted] t1_ja8d9me wrote

I don’t think very many people are going to jail for weed these days, unless it’s use was a parole violation or something. Or if they’re dealing, but the easy way to get rid of the street dealers is to legalize it recreationally.


Black_Fish1 t1_ja8f6rj wrote

Smelling pot still a valid suspicion for searching a car?


dallasfan1985 t1_ja9vdn7 wrote

Don’t know why this got downvoted. I work in a state prison, and can assure you there’s nobody in there for weed anymore. That is a leftist misconception. As a matter of fact parolees don’t even get brought back for weed/failing a urine test. The people that belong there are there. The woke DAs aren’t prosecuting violent offenses like they should be. I don’t see how much more we could lower the state prison population without becoming NY or California.