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professorwhiskers87 t1_j9gq7gv wrote

Well, who in their damn minds thinks this is a good idea?


Patiod t1_j9h0air wrote

people who own cyber charters, obv


PPQue6 t1_j9imv8i wrote

People who don't want to see an educated public.


Ok-Competition-3356 t1_j9lfkhh wrote

I also think there are a lot of parents out there that are overwhelmed with bad children for a very large number of reasons that none of us really need to address here. Charter schools are an answer to their prayers because they get fined if their kids are not attending school. I don't have kids and all that literally blows my mind but I do know plenty of people who in theory think this is a good idea but when you really look at it beyond scratching the surface it's obvious this is a huge scam. It doesn't matter if it's democrat or republican, poor or rich this is a fucking scam.