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Spre3ad t1_j9jt1pw wrote

Yes, accepting $100,000 in political bribes is a great example of the amount of money thrown into politics like it’s nothing- the idea that these political bribes are so effective in dictating policy that spending 6+ figures in campaign donations is economically viable for companies. And yes, the idea that NS only offered him $1,000 and expected that to be enough of a political bribe to sway his policies means that Mastriano can be bought out for that cheap of an amount. Accepting any amount of money as a political bribe is bad- but if you’re going to do it, you’d think you would want more, or reject lower offers on principle alone. Taking 1k is the equivalent of agreeing to suck someone off in the walmart parking lot for a gallon of DEF & a pack of newports.

Maybe try the “hurr durr Reddit CriNgE! fuNnY! hE hE ho Ho!” meme with something else instead, because it doesn’t make any sense here.