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Puzzleheaded_Rub858 t1_j9qjipx wrote

I live in lower Bucks and we smelled something really bad about a day ago. Thought it was Dow Chemical but now I’m not sure.


Ashamed-Reflection-9 OP t1_j9qjwif wrote

What did it smell like?


Puzzleheaded_Rub858 t1_j9qln9c wrote

Some said sauerkraut, others said death or rotting take out. It was a strong chemical smell for sure.


Hopeful_Scholar398 t1_j9t9h2g wrote

Is there a paper mill nearby? The wood pulp often has a cabbage smell and is sprayed with chemicals that have a distinct smell.


Ashamed-Reflection-9 OP t1_j9r2nlo wrote

I don't think it's the same smell but I will log it just in case.


stblawyer t1_j9rxsze wrote

Love the place dearly. Have family there. This is not an unusual smell for lower bucks. As the poster said, there are chemical plants (I have family that works at them) as well as heavy manufacturing.


Ashamed-Reflection-9 OP t1_j9ql3ux wrote

The odor I smelled wasn't bad at first sniff or when it was weak but when it's strong it prolonged it's overpowering. It was like incense.