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RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqjykc wrote

Is it bad faith to ask if a person who represents not only the state of PA, but the entire Nation, is fit for the job? Should we not question people's ability to do jobs? It's done everyday, yet for one of the most important positions in the world, it's bad faith to ask?

Would you hire him to manage your business?


ThreePointsPhilly t1_jdqknmm wrote

Trolls going to troll, I get it.

But he hasn't "disappeared" for weeks. He isn't Mark Sanford. He's in the hospital.


It took all of 5 seconds to Google that. If you're going to argue he isn't fit to serve, fine, but don't bullshit and gaslight all of us by saying he disappeared and if Oz would do a better job.

But again, trolls will troll.


RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqkvds wrote

Have we seen video of John lately or heard him speak? Are you not worried he is incapacitated?


ThreePointsPhilly t1_jdql0dm wrote

Because that's a normal thing for people in the hospital for clinical depression to do.

Like I said, trolls gonna troll.


gdex86 t1_jdql3zy wrote

"I'm not arguing in bad faith" immediately starts making bad faith arguments to statements that refute their claims.


pinguicula7 t1_jdqnyqv wrote

Are you questioning the medical qualifications and integrity of Walter Reed personnel?

Are you qualified in any substantiated manner to determine treatment AND fitness more than Walter Reed Medical personnel?

Why are YOU so special?


stblawyer t1_jdql758 wrote

"Would you hire him to manage your business?"

He has a diagnosed mental health illness for which he is receiving the best treatment available. As someone with loved ones that have suffered strokes and others that had mental illnesses, this is repugnant to me.

The reason few are attacking him on this is because the stigma on these issues has long passed for good reason. Put it this way, if he was a manager in a business it would be illegal to fire him because of it.

Let's put it this way: Lincoln spent his entire life and presidency suffering from what is now known as depression.


RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqldwf wrote

Would you have him represent you at a criminal trial where you faced 20 years?


nardlz t1_jdqm8yb wrote

I wouldn’t normally seek out someone with an MBA to represent me at a criminal trial.


RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqmjrh wrote

Ah, would you let him manage your company of 200 people in his current condition?


nardlz t1_jdqmnzb wrote

Considering how incompetent the higher managers at both mine and my husband’s company seem to be, sure.


RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqnj51 wrote

So you'd rather have non existent managers in your business? Why are you paying them?


sirfuzzitoes t1_jdqogx6 wrote

What the fuck are you arguing? He does not manage a business. He is not a lawyer. How many other pointless question are you going to ask? You asked a question and people answered. You didn't like the answer and now you're trying to argue that he isnot for to serve.

Next time just post your bullshit statement. No one cares.


nardlz t1_jdr2tdm wrote

You're taking me seriously when you're the one who suggested he'd be trying a criminal case in court? Time to chill a bit.


jshrdd_ t1_jdqo579 wrote

Are you afraid of tik tok watching youreye pupils dilate and connecting to your wifi?