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RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqthat wrote

Who are people like me? I am a first amendment activist who has been arrested in multiple acts of civil disobedience that challenged out government. I am a cannabis legalization pioneer who owned seven of my own dispensaries, as well as the first canna lounge in Philly. I am a historian who has discovered things about MLK that no other researcher has found, with those findings being listed on the National Historic Register. I am an investigative journalist who has brought down several dirty politicians, and dirty administrations. I am currently making a documentary on the 17 yearly cold case murder of my friend who was a pioneer in the medical cannabis industry, a cold case that I have 90% solved. All statements can be proven...and you? Who are you and what have you done?


SuggestAPhotoProject t1_jdqvw9h wrote

Nah, you’re just a self-important turd that’s so desperate for validation that you’re posting a résumé to Reddit to try to impress strangers.

Sorry your candidate lost, but the election has been over for months.


RabbleLowder OP t1_jdr0ltb wrote

How does the election have to do with the fact he can't properly serve? This is a question that you cannot answer, so you divert. Ciao.
