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choppinbrocholi t1_jahgmla wrote

This proposed group did not come from students but an outside group pushing their group in. They’ve been trying this in multiple schools in eastern PA.
I would be all for it had it been organically organized by students. Schools do allow most groups organized by students especially if they self fund.
Very little of the origins of this have been put forward.
If gardeners of America want to start a group in this school they should not be allowed either without a student/s proposal.


spatuladracula t1_jahsnov wrote

Was the evangelical after school program that takes place in the school wanted by the kids, or pushed onto them by outside adults?


dls2016 t1_jahw9am wrote

There are hundreds of programs that various organizations provide to students without organic student demand. I can think of Junior Achievement off the top of my head, as I see some magnets on the fridge my children brought home from school.

Your idea would be a huge departure from the norm.