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hypotenoos t1_jasb120 wrote

Allegheny is way too big area wise for it to work. It’s 5x the size and includes everything from skyscrapers to hundred acre farms.


[deleted] OP t1_jasbaq0 wrote



hypotenoos t1_jasblmt wrote

Most of the people live in the county vs city- by a very wide margin.

Allegheny probably doesn’t need 130 municipalities, but probably does need more than 1.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaspqmk wrote

>Allegheny probably doesn’t need 130 municipalities, but probably does need more than 1.

There's a lot of purple/red territory outside city limits. People would have a shit fit if they tried to form a unified city-county government. Personally I'd move just because I don't want to be under the city goverment, regardless of who's in charge.


hypotenoos t1_jasqiw5 wrote

Oh I think the city would get smacked down hard if it was a countywide operation. It would be 900k vs 300k.

Other than perhaps the boroughs that butt right against the city most don’t view Pittsburgh as the pinnacle of governance and keeper of the public trust. The way things have gone with plowing every year has ensured that.


MRG_1977 t1_jaucc8b wrote

PA residents endless complain about local property taxes.

Too many school districts and way too much dinky municipalities yet same residents refuse to merge with adjacent municipalities to have a broader tax base and reduce need to increase property taxes.

Local residents complain loudly about local property taxes.

Repeat cycle of stagnation. Change is always hard but it seems extra super hard in most parts of PA.


susinpgh t1_jat2lnt wrote

A lot of people would agree with that. Wilkinsburg has a proposal to merge with Pittsburgh:

There is a lot of consolidation of services with Pittsburgh in Allegheny County that don't include annexation. Waste disposal and policing in particular. EMS, not so much. IIRC, a lot of municipalities in Allegheny County maintain their own volunteer fire dept.

Also, this is such a great question. Have you checked in with r/urbanplanning to discuss the classification issue? I worked for a small neighborhood association for a few years, and we were qualified for certain CDBG grants because of our demographics. I am sure that there are other economic opportunities that are offered to 1st class tiers that aren't offered to all classes. Some of those would be infrastructure opportunities, like airports, interstate roads, and consumer rail development.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jaxsj6r wrote

Jacksonville FL is larger than all of Allegheny County.


hypotenoos t1_jay4jml wrote

And? It’s also hundreds of miles from Allegheny and had a development pattern nothing like it.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay5u5u wrote

> Allegheny is way too big area wise for it to work.

This is provably false since cities larger than Allegheny County exist.


hypotenoos t1_jay64c5 wrote

Yeah except they didn’t previous have 130 separate municipalities inside them dimwit.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay6etg wrote

Most of them were formed via annexation of surrounding communities, dimwit.


hypotenoos t1_jay7avl wrote

That isn’t Jacksonville chief


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay7izp wrote

It's another city around Allegheny County's size that was formed by annexing other municipalities, chief.
Quit being dumb.


hypotenoos t1_jay7o94 wrote

Oh was it 130 municipalities in 2023? No?

So. Weird.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay7yrm wrote

You're working very hard at being extremely stupid for zero gain.


hypotenoos t1_jay829c wrote

Okay guy. Maybe go creep on my profile some more then delete the comments after…


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay85ef wrote

lol, you're the moron from before? Makes sense now.
> Maybe go creep on my profile

It isn't creeping when you publicly post it, you fucking dunce.
No wonder your wife left you.


hypotenoos t1_jay89ka wrote

I’ll just wait for you to delete your comments. Nothing further is necessary.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay8bip wrote

Your wife left you because your brain is all fucked up.

I hope she got the house.


hypotenoos t1_jay8e6p wrote

Yea of course. And you are a shut in incel. We already covered this ground.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jay8i79 wrote

I've been married for twelve years, my man. That's a feat you couldn't manage. For obvious reasons.


hypotenoos t1_jay8y3w wrote

Uh huh…maybe you’ll meet a nice gal on the bus.