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Hopeful_Scholar398 t1_javc3jl wrote

What crime would you charge her with?


delcodick t1_javc9t5 wrote

More than a third degree misdemeanor


Hopeful_Scholar398 t1_javcd9b wrote

What crime though? Not saying she isn't a piece of shit just that besides harassment I don't think she committed any crime.


delcodick t1_javclwz wrote

I haven’t seen the full report and file so it would be inappropriate of me to specify a particular crime without full knowledge of all the elements present.

However it is reasonable to comment that on the face of it and from the limited information available weighed with the lack of contra indications that her conduct rises above the level of the offense charged


NotNowDamo t1_javkgy2 wrote

If you don't know what you are talking about and need to use mental gymnastics, maybe just keep your mouth shut.


delcodick t1_jawj9ie wrote

Have you suffered a recent blow to the head?


NotNowDamo t1_jaykd3v wrote

You probably just never had anyone point out your nonsense before.


delcodick t1_jayko4w wrote

Sure Princess that’s it 🤣


NotNowDamo t1_jaykt3x wrote

Ok, good to know you realize that what you said made zero sense.


delcodick t1_jayl5pc wrote

To you it is unlikely to make any sense. A degree of comprehension and critical thinking ability is necessary to understand it. Perhaps check back in a few years when you find a friend who can explain it to you. In the mean time try harder 👍


NotNowDamo t1_jaysd9v wrote

Lol. You may want to reread what you wrote before you criticize my thinking skills.

Maybe try and explain it in little words to yourself before you type it out next time.


delcodick t1_jaysgza wrote

You haven’t found a friend yet. Shoo silly little child shoo


NotNowDamo t1_jb03s7a wrote

I really don't know what that is supposed to mean. I am going to leave now, as it seems you are now talking to yourself and I am no longer part of the conversation.

Hope you find this friend you are looking for.


Flimsy-Lie-1471 t1_javcra2 wrote

If I read the law correctly the ethnic intimidation charge is second degree misdemeanor.

​(b) Grading.--An offense under this section shall be classified as a misdemeanor of the third degree if the other offense is classified as a summary offense. Otherwise, an offense under this section shall be classified one degree higher in the classification specified in section 106 (relating to classes of offenses) than the classification of the other offense.


delcodick t1_javdefh wrote

There is no underlying offense reported which may be poor reporting. But as it stands I see it as a 3rd degree misdemeanor.

Ethnic intimidation is an add-on crime, which means that the crime cannot exist independently

Ethnic intimidation is graded one degree higher than the primary offense.

So if the primary offense of criminal mischief is a summary offense, the accompanying ethnic intimidation charge would be a third-degree misdemeanor.

However a first-degree misdemeanor terroristic threat motivated by racial hatred will be accompanied by an ethnic intimidation charge would be graded as a third-degree felony.


Flimsy-Lie-1471 t1_javdov3 wrote

It said harassment.

"has since been charged with ethnic intimidation and harassment."


delcodick t1_javdwkk wrote

Guilty. Poor speed reading then not poor reporting 🤣. A summary offense on the face of it
