IamSauerKraut t1_jaxhcsx wrote
Reply to comment by Otter592 in In the wake of sexual harassment allegations lodged against him, state Rep. Mike Zabel (D., Delaware) says he is not resigning his seat in the Pennsylvania State House by PienotPi
>No one should resign over allegations alone.
I thought both Clinton and donnie dumpster fire should have resigned based solely on credible allegations. I also think legislators who have credible allegations of physical abuse lodged against them should resign. We need to have some minimum standard beyond "infamous crime."
Otter592 t1_jaxyf1w wrote
I think the key there is "credible" and who decides what's credible or not. It doesn't need to be a technical crime, but there needs to be a formal investigation to determine if allegations are credible or not.
IamSauerKraut t1_jay0l2j wrote
>there needs to be a formal investigation to determine if allegations are credible or not
I think some folks are confusing sexual harassment with sexual abuse. One requires a criminal investigation with due process rights regardless of the accused's place in life, the other needs only credible allegations. For a solitary accusation, there may be a need to determine credibility in an accusation but when there is more than one accusation a pattern of behavior has developed and credibility runs in favor of those levying the accusations.
ksquad80 t1_jb0e0gm wrote
The minimum standard isn't met by organizing a coup apparently.
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