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[deleted] OP t1_jb62cnu wrote


hekishokuneko t1_jb644o4 wrote

It doesn't give any info about if the statements have to be RECENT or not. All my bills are from last year. Maybe someone perusing this subreddit works for penndot or has experienced being turned away because they had a bill that is too old to meet their requirements. Maybe you should grow up and get off of this subreddit. Or reddit in general since it is a FORUM website where people ask questions that they haven't found the answers for or share information that might be helpful.

You assumed I didn't go to their website and thoroughly check the driver's manual to see if bills need to be recent. You assumed I was being lazy. The website tells you what kind of bills. Not if they need to be recent or not. Where in my search I read some states need them to be within 90 days. That's not very "clear" now is it.

Why waste your time on Reddit to tell other people their questions are dumb and to get off reddit. Sounds way less productive than just scrolling away.


[deleted] OP t1_jb64esf wrote



No-Setting9690 t1_jb65vm6 wrote

I'm a bipolar asshole, you one up me by having dick in your name.


spicymallows t1_jb65psj wrote

You’re the one who needs to calm down. Your comments were completely unnecessary and you’re clearly looking for a fight. If someone makes a post that can be answered by google, so what? Ignore it if you don’t want to answer the question. Really weird you felt compelled to leave those nasty comments.


Sovereign2142 t1_jb6sb0l wrote

Please take your own advice. You’ve made your point several times and now you’re being intentionally obnoxious.


Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_jb6jwho wrote

Just give it up already. Being a douchebag is not a learned trait, but you can learn not to be one. Free tip: If there is something going on that you don't agree with or doesn't affect you, just move on.