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SamuelLCompassion t1_jb9x432 wrote

This seems like a problem the Democrats should be handling themselves without Republicans needing to pretend to care about the treatment of women.


30686 t1_jbebntz wrote

"Pretend" being the operative word. But, he needs to go.


drunkmonkey176 t1_jb9yq7d wrote

Considering being recorded bragging about grabbing women by the pussy isn't sufficient, every republican calling for the resignation over an allegation with zero evidence can do PA a favor and stay unvaccinated!


IamSauerKraut t1_jb9ttf3 wrote

Are these same female lawmakers calling on Russ Diamond to resign? If not, why not?

And, of course, the female lawmakers are all Republican. Surprise, surprise. Trying to gain control of the PA House thru the backdoor. Why not use the front door, ladies? Stop being suck lackeys for your male overseers.


Glitchy_Llama t1_jbaamci wrote

What’s the deal with Russ Diamond?


IamSauerKraut t1_jbaenxv wrote


CurGeorge8 OP t1_jb9wa13 wrote

While I generally agree on your point re: hypocrisy, your post is pretty misogynistic suggesting that women can't have a point of view of their own


IamSauerKraut t1_jb9yk0r wrote

>women can't have a point of view of their own

They've been hobnobbing with a couple of wife beaters over the past several years, with no complaints, but pointing that out is misogyny? well, ok then.


Accomplished-Pen4934 t1_jb9xppv wrote

I’m sure these Republican women are capable of having a view point of their own- we just haven’t seen it yet.


Diarygirl t1_jbb03eg wrote

Conservative women don't have a point of view of their own though.


SnapCrackleMom t1_jb9xpox wrote

>Marcell, a freshman lawmaker, said when she first came to Harrisburg she was “warned to not be alone with Representative Zabel.” 

Ughhhhh. I'm as Democrat as it gets but he needs to step down.


libananahammock t1_jbah698 wrote

Right!? I don’t care what party you’re with. If you’re a scumbag, you need to go. We should all be advocating for this.


Unlikely-Hawk416 t1_jbahwkh wrote

Fuck that. If Santos won't resign then no democrat should ever resign regardless of the headlines. This is the republican strategy for taking control/changing the numbers in their favor. Never resign knowing all the scandals and ridiculousness they do on a daily basis. Can't give them an advantage in ANY WAY.


Logan_Holmes t1_jbaqtr0 wrote

Just because republicans have no spine doesn’t mean democrats should turn a blind eye to sexual assault


Guntcher1423 t1_jbb2qy7 wrote

Yea, so lets just give them control because they have no shame at all. That sounds like a good plan.


Logan_Holmes t1_jbb52qq wrote

Dems have a 102-100 majority. Kicking out someone who committed sexual assault would not give republicans control


Guntcher1423 t1_jbb5cqv wrote

Yea, well Biden had control, too, as 2 Dems decided not to play along. Remember?


Logan_Holmes t1_jbb9p8a wrote

So to you passing partisan legislation that will go nowhere and die in the republican lead senate is more important than removing sexual assaulters from office, especially after house democrats just spent two months fighting for protections for victims of sexual abuse and assault. You want them to completely backtrack on all the progress they just made so partisan legislation will have a slightly higher chance of dying in the senate. That is truly one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard


Guntcher1423 t1_jbbda1q wrote

Hey, I am no political geek with all the answers like you. I'm just a guy that is sick and tired of the left requiring that all their people be squeeky clean while the right elects Mr. Grab-them-by-the-pussy. We were close to having that fascist asshole Mastriano as governor, and you want to play a holier than thou.


[deleted] t1_jbb478z wrote

So what’s the deal, people?

If they’re not of your party, they should step down, but if they are of your party, they should stay?

Does “innocent until proven guilty” follow the same guidelines?

Are accusations enough when it comes to allegations that would require a trial?


piratepowder t1_jba7qru wrote

This guy is gross and should resign. Typical Delco.


SeptasLate t1_jbgf1xt wrote

Yeah, they should keep in the family like they do in pennslytucky


Squashey t1_jbadmnj wrote

Sexually harassed his own staff, but folks on here will defend him…


Diarygirl t1_jbazvj9 wrote

But the leader of your party is a serial sexual offender and yet no Republican will say a negative thing is word about him, so you're just announcing you're a hypocrite.


Squashey t1_jbb4gfn wrote

Don’t assume alignment with a style of governance as alignment with a party or its apparent head, not a Trump supporter here.

But it does sound hypocritical if you are ok with a sexual harasser being in a public position of your party.

I believe politicians forget they are public servants and public servants should be the best of us, sadly a completely unrealistic expectation for either party.


Diarygirl t1_jbb8gfn wrote

Lol you post in r/Conservative so you're definitely a Trump voter.


BradleyUffner t1_jbbci85 wrote

If you don't want to be associated with the criminal scum that conservatives have become, perhaps you should change your associations.


Unlikely-Hawk416 t1_jbai5hz wrote

What is your take on Santos doing this same thing?


Squashey t1_jbaj69z wrote

He should of stepped down months ago.


Unlikely-Hawk416 t1_jbajln8 wrote

Agreed. But the stakes are too high to give up a seat to Republicans. just the reality of today's politics.


That_Checks t1_jban6oq wrote

So ask the victims to take one for the team, then? Wow


Unlikely-Hawk416 t1_jbanotf wrote

ah yes, the 16 republican victims. seems like a ruse. innocent until proven guilty, no?


No-Razzmatazz- t1_jbao27y wrote

Those aren't who the victims are. It was his own campaign manager.

> Zabel’s former campaign manager Colleen Kennedy accused the three-term lawmaker of inappropriate touching while at a fundraiser in 2018 revealed in an essay published on The day before, Andi Perez, the political director for 32BJ SEIU, publicly identified Zabel as the lawmaker she testified about at a January House hearing who had sexually harassed her in 2019. Both called for Zabel to resign.


Unlikely-Hawk416 t1_jbaz3je wrote

Explain then why this is coming to light 5 years after the fact, championed by 16 republicans pursuing his abolishment from his position?


No-Razzmatazz- t1_jbb2yew wrote

So let me get this straight, you are accusing the victims of lying because republicans want him to resign?


Unlikely-Hawk416 t1_jbb3f7p wrote

I prescribe to innocent until proven guilty. No reason to make any adjustments until proven otherwise. Truly more concerned that the precedent upheld that regardless of the level of accusations, hold the position. We have countless predators in politics already.


That_Checks t1_jbao9ll wrote

I'm talking about Andi Perez. More victims will come out of this. Dude is now claiming an illness. He already knows the story is going to expand.


Unlikely-Hawk416 t1_jbai2bo wrote

Innocent until proven guilty. Even then, with the precedent of behavior set by Republican lawmakers, hold the position to keep republicans from destroying the Commonwealth.


Logan_Holmes t1_jbaqovo wrote

It’s pretty well known that Zabel committed assault. Talk about this has been floating around the legislature since 2018


Mijbr090490 t1_jbbt8rn wrote

Republicans are frothing at the mouth over sexual misconduct because it's a Democrat, yet silent about the misconduct within their own party. Doesn't surprise me. The party of hypocrites.


AnotherDaveFella t1_jbax4u1 wrote

Here come the dems to circle the wagons around their own, just like the other side they demonize. Disgusting.


DarthEeveeChan t1_jbb07kg wrote

It seems to be one person commenting under every comment with basically everyone else saying he should resign.


[deleted] t1_jbb3j4p wrote

But that doesn’t fit the first dude’s narrative.