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drxdrg08 t1_jbevu8z wrote

Are you saying all those Democrat voters are stupid if they voted for DINO's?


Maleficent_Bee_9092 t1_jbey9c4 wrote

Well legal weed is Hardly the 1st priority of most voters. Isn't it always "Jobs Jobs Jobs"? Certainly in Manchin's home state. But anyone who thinks any pol on either "wing" can do anything to bring non-Anthracite coal back is living in la la land . . .

Much of the time, folks vote out of habit for their incumbent, regardless of party. It's an Odd Dysfunction of US Voter attitudes: Most of us absolutely HATE all politicians, especially Senate / Congress in general, BUT . . . Most will also say, at the same time, they Love/Like their individual Senator / Congressman. Polls have been demo'ing this for decades, at all levels, Fed / State / Local. Or else they "pull the party line" in a "wave" year (blue or red). Even when "party lines" have been eliminated from voting machines (ok we don't use those types of mechanical lever machines anymore, you know, the ones everyone used to trust blindly, but were Fraught with 10,000x the errors, & susceptibility to Fraud, of "modern" systems, that now no one trusts).