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ItsjustJim621 t1_jbh8q8u wrote

Except Covid did not come from a Chinese lab…the department of energy (how are they making this decision anyway?) even made their claim with low confidence…

The trump Russian collusion wasn’t made made up either. We have a republican-led senate Intel committee report that confirmed that Russia meddled in 2016….

But go on peddling right wing talking points


drxdrg08 t1_jbhcak2 wrote

> The trump Russian collusion wasn’t made made up either. We have a republican-led senate Intel committee report that confirmed that Russia meddled in 2016….

So did Russia meddle? Or Trump colluded with them?

Big difference there.


BurghPuppies t1_jbhf8y6 wrote

Collusion was not proven. But Trump & Putin got pretty cozy, including Trump siding with Putin and against US intelligence on their info AND withholding defensive arms from Ukraine… we see how THAT turned out.


drxdrg08 t1_jbhglm0 wrote

> Collusion was not proven.

Right. Even though unlimited amounts of money and political power were thrown at it. It was a very big fraud that went on for a very long time. And then everyone wonders why some people are distrustful of the election process.


BurghPuppies t1_jbhi2lw wrote

So, do you mean like the EIGHT Benghazi hearings? Or maybe the Whitewater hearings the GOP held to try to smear Bill & Hillary?

And I’m not sure you can call it a fraud when an investigation happens - under the Republican DOJ and a Republican special counsel - and there is proof of the actions, just not a smoking gun to tie Trump to it. But hey… if that’s your takeaway, then enjoy the tiny little w.

BTW, what every happened to that Durham investigation Trump & Fox News were crowing about??? I guess that passed over us like Q’s “storm”. Still waiting for all those “sealed indictments” to be opened an hundreds of Dems to be arrested. Nice.


drxdrg08 t1_jbhkc8m wrote

> And I’m not sure you can call it a fraud

I'm sorry, what?

> Steele, a former head of the Russia Desk for British intelligence (MI6), was writing the report for the private investigative firm Fusion GPS, who were paid by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).


BurghPuppies t1_jbhljrx wrote

Now see, you’re getting your scandals mixed up. Easy to have happen, since Trump was pretty much a train wreck.

Steele was indeed writing the report for Fusion GPS, which had been hired by… wait for it… the Republican Party to do opposition research on Trump. (They didn’t want him elected either lol). Anywho, Hillary did indeed end up buying the research, and its contents were eventually turned over to the FBI.

That’s only a small part of the Trump Russia collusion investigation. You conveniently leave out his dealings with Russia over Trump Moscow, his financial debt to Russia, the secret meetings his teams held at Trump Tower with Russian agents, Inna Yashchyshyn, Trump asking Russia publicly to find Hillary’s emails, and much more.

You also forget to mention that THIRTY FOUR people ended up being indicted thanks to the Mueller investigation. And that Mueller said that he could not rule out wrongdoing on Trump’s part, but that he did not have enough to prosecute a winning case.

So, again, if you consider that a win… go for it.


drxdrg08 t1_jbhniwx wrote

You see, your rant is precisely why a lot of people don't want to believe anything nowadays.

Even when the lies and frauds are exposed, the perpetrators double down.


BurghPuppies t1_jbhnrlh wrote

Please feel free to correct me with facts. Not MAGA fantasy.


BurghPuppies t1_jbhikwv wrote

What I’m really waiting for is the investigation into who was paid to push Ivana down the stairs to her death. That’s a common Russian method of enemy elimination. Now who do we know that’s pals with Putin….?